True or False
Open Questions
Multiple Choice

Technology only starts being relevant when it’s being used, this usage allows the technology to develop into the next step but that usage doesn’t stop technology from changing is an example from Technological Determinism True or False?

False (It's an example of SST)


People are powerless against the impact of media content and technology in their life is an example of what Theory?

Technological Determinism 


Which of the following is NOT an expression of the media equation? 

  1. Personality

  2. Decoding

  3. Politeness

  4. Flattery

2. Decoding


What Social Media platform is the perfect example of (SST) Social Shaping of Technology?

  1. Myspace

  2. Netflix

  3. Blackberry Messenger

  4. Instagram 

Instagram (Started out as an only image sharing platform) but it developed alongside allowing stories, reels, IGTV, highlights etc.


Briefly explain the Social shaping of technology theory in your own words (SST)

 People are the base ground of technological developments (Ciel, 2018).


Social media is considered to be a one-to-one form of communication true or false?



Who is responsible for the theory “Living in the media” instead of living with media and what does it entail, (simple explanation needed)

24/7 access & 24/7 use (media is with as at all times)


Which of these does Theodore’s ex-wife show when finding out his relationship with artificially intelligent Samantha?

  1. Technological Rejection

  2. Technological Acceptation

  3. Social Construction of Technology

  4. None of the above

1. Technological Rejection


. Please name the four functions of Media

  1. Information, Cultural transmission, relational, entertainment.

  2. information, communication, accessibility, research

  3. Information, media, research, communication 

  4. Information literacy, relational, entertainment and transmission

  1. Information, Cultural transmission, relational, entertainment.


What is User Gratification Theory?

Media helps fulfil and satisfies certain needs, that might be difficult to satisfy in other ways.


An example for one-to-one communication is telephone true or false 



Briefly, what is one-to-many media and what are the forms of one-to-many media? (open ended question)

One source of information for numerous people → TV, Newspaper, Radio


Give an example of Cultural Transmission

Symbols, writing, pictures, photographs and ways of recording to pass on information are all examples of Cultural Transmission.

Religion example of cultural transmission is the bible. 


 What is a major influence on people’s perceptions on the use of technology regarding relational technology and generations?

  1. How much smartphones cost (price)

  2. Generation in which they were born (age)

  3. How tech savvy the are (wit) 

  4. Technology tracing our every move (paranoid) 

Generation in which they were born (age)


Name at least 3  out of 4 of the needs media helps fulfill regarding User & Gratification Theory. 

  • Need for empathy: experiencing feelings, ‘Tear Jerkers’ and ‘horror films’

  •  Social Needs (Companionship), Collaborative watching 

  • Need to Identify (with stars, athlete's, idols etc.)

  • Need to escape, detach from reality (examples: Inception, Interstellar, The Matrix, Fight Club)


. Horror movies can fulfil one’s need of identify

  1. True

  2. False

False, It fulfills the need to empathize. 


What is the socialization impact of media?    

Depictions of relationships in media provide models of behavior that inform people about how to engage in relationships


Why is the Inauguration of President Obama in 2009 compared to The Inauguration of President Trump 2017 on CNN considered an example of Misinformation and Fake News? 

A 2019 Research survey showed that among Americans who named CNN as their main source for political and election news, 79% identify as Democrats whereas 17% identify as Republicans (Frida Ghitis).


 What is concurrent media use?

  1. Use of one media system simultaneously

  2. Use of two or more media systems simultaneously

  3. Use of over 10 media systems simultaneously

  4. Use of no media systems simultaneously 

Use of two or more media systems simultaneously


Which answer best describes para-social relationships: 

  1. Relationships that are not established with media characteristics and personalities

  2. Relationships that are ongoing partially online and partially offline

  3. The ending of a relationship which was established with media characters and personalities

  4. relationships established with media characters and personalities 

4. relationships established with media characters and personalities


The movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger 'The Terminator' is an example of a dystopian society where technology rises against humans, is an example of what could happen in a few years if we remain powerless against the media.

True or False  



Briefly describe the main difference between Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) to Social Shaping of Technology (SST).

SST recognizes all technological developments and social changes driven by both human and technological components while SCOT sees all the changes originally done by Humans.


Media informs us as citizens, about the world around us is an example of? 

1. Information Media

2. Relational & Entertainment 

3. Cultural

4. User & Gratification Theory.

Information Media


Which of the following answers is NOT a form of a shared relational activity?

  1. Promoting interaction.

  2. Shaping Identities.

  3. Differentiating relationships.

  4. Enacting and evaluating roles.

Shaping Identities.


What believes do Technological Determinism theory determine?

Technological Determinism believes that technologies are in control of determining our social structure, cultural values and personal perspectives humans are not in control, powerless against the media.
