What does Fundamental causes mean?
Underlining causes that develop over time.
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
He was the 16th US president, he drafted the emancipation proclamation.
Where was the heart of the Confederation, known for their railroads.
When the civil war start
April 12, 1861
What did women do to help during the war.
Helped to care for the sick and wounded soldiers in hospitals and sometimes battlefields.
What does Immediate causes mean.
Immediate causes mean develop right before a big event.
Who was Jefferson Davis?
The first Confederate president.
The prison camp that had very bad living conditions.
Andersonville Prison
When did the civil war end.
April 9, 1865
What percent of African Americans who served in the Union army were former slaves.
Around 50%
What does Confederacy mean?
A loose union of sovereign states.
The governor of GA who urged Georgia to secede from the union.
The place that surrendered to Sherman's army at the end of the March of the Sea.
When was the date of the Emancipation Proclamation.
January 1, 1863
What age were many of the young confederate soldiers?
All around 16 years old
What does border states mean?
Slaveholding states that border free states.
Who was Mary Chesnut?
She was a woman who kept a detailed wartime diary that has been used by historians to understand what life was like in the South during the war.
The original capital of GA before Atlanta.
When did the the Atlanta Campaign start?
May 7, 1864
What did they use as a substitute for Coffee.
They used Ripe acorns roasted in bacon fat.
What is a blockade?
Use of Military forces to isolate enemy territory, such as a harbor.
Who was John Freemont?
He was the first candidate for the republican party in 1854.
Place where union forces captured Jefferson Davis.
When did the Atlanta Campaign end
September 2, 1864
FINAL JEOPARDY: What were Confederate Soldiers often called by the Northerners