Golden Ages of China
Mongol and Ming Empire
Feudal Japan
This leader is most well known for being the only woman to rule China in her own right
What is Empress Wu Zhau
The sign Temujin's family receives at his birth, which indicates he will become a great leader
blood clot on his hand
What is the "The Pillow Book"
A book written by a female author detailing life at court during the Heian Period
Seen by Confucianism as the most insignificant group in a society
Who are the merchants
Name a contribution the Song dynasty makes to China
food surplus (which enables people to pursue commerce and the arts), transform cities into centers of trade, develop new strains of rice and increase irrigation
Who is Zheng He
Admiral that travels as far away as India to show the power and strength of the Kingdom. Details his travels on pieces of stone
Koreans learn to make porcelain from China and perfect it in their own right. This is known as
What is celadon
Japanese warriors follow a set of rules known as
What is bushido
Who has the real power in the aristocracy of Feudal Japan
Mostly Shogun, Samurai are still highly respected. The Emperor is basically only a title.
What is one architectural achievement of the Tang Dynasty? Why is it important?
What is The Great grown in the south can be shipped to the capital in the north/longest waterway ever dug by human labor.
What is The Water Margin?
The first detective stories, written by a compilation of authors during the Ming dynasty. Similar to Robin Hood in that the characters create a gang that tries to end the practices of corrupt officials.
How to the Koreans adopt the Chinese civil service exam?
They use it but adapt it to fit their own system of inherited ranks
Describe the lifestyle of aristocracy during the Heian Period
elaborate dresses, live in palaces with lotus pools. Parties where poetry is recited and composed...courtiers can even rise and fall in rank depending on their ability to do this.
How do the Japanese view women?
Very dependent on their husband/father...if husband is a samurai they are expected to follow the traditions and code of honor...cannot shirk their household duties
How are peasants looked upon during this time?
able to be relatively self-sufficient, problems are generally worked out among the people. still higher than the merchants. if boys have potential they can move up in status and bring their whole families with them.
How does Kublai Khan differentiate between the Mongols and the Chinese?
He identifies them separately and saves the most respected jobs for the Mongols. There aren't enough Mongols to fill every position in such a large territory, so he then turns to the Chinese.
What is hangul? Why is it important?
Their own alphabet and it increases the literacy rate in Korea.
To what extent do the Chinese influence Japan?
Adopt many customs at first, then engage in selective borrowing.
What is Kabuki? Why is it so popular in Japan?
Form of drama that also combines with dance and music. Most Japanese audience members will know the back story and appreciate the subtle allusions to Japanese culture.
Who is Li Bo? What does he help us understand about China
Writer, composes over 2,000 poems. Spends his life as a nomad, poetry is less flowery and focuses on military accomplishments
2 ways Genghis Khan's army employs to find success on the battlefield
1. signal flags to direct army/use lanterns or flaming arrows at night 2. silk armor/provide a layer of protection as the arrow enters the body...unfortunately this doesn't always end well due to a lack of hygiene
Explain why Korea is considered the "shrimp among whales"
Have elements of their own culture but are overshadowed by China and Japan due to their location/only become tributary state and work to preserve their own identity (have their own language and eventually develop their own alphabet)
Main concept of the Shinto belief? What rituals to they emphasize?
connection to the forces of nature/honor of the natural spirits. Emphasis on purification (elaborate ritual to show respect for shrine before you enter)
List 3 ways the Tokugawa Shoguns attempt to end feudal warfare
imposed central government control on all Japan created a unified, orderly society/ required the daimyo to live in the shogun’s capital every other year / created new laws that fixed the social order rigidly in place and upheld a strict moral code / imposed restrictions on women / oversaw economic growth, the flourishing of trade