The "O" Shaped meniscus is the?
Lateral Meniscus
Another name for bow-legged
Genu Varum
What are the names of the lateral ankle ligaments?
Posterior Talofibular
Anterior Talofibular
Forced External Rotation & Dorsiflexion
Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain
The ACL is called the Anterior Collateral Ligament
False - Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Which side does the patella commonly dislocate?
High Arch
Pes Cavus
What structures are in the superficial posterior compartment?
Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Plantaris
Direct Blow to the Iliac Crest
Hip Pointer
The Labrum deepens the acetabula and serves to provide more stability of the femoral head.
Which ligament prevents the knee from a varus stress?
Lateral Collateral Ligament
Which ligament is also connected to the meniscus?
The Medial Collateral Ligament connected to the Medial Meniscus
Severs Disease is what?
Irritation of growth plate in the heel
Direct Blow to Quad that started to have calcium deposits.
What is the first injury and what is the second?
Quadricep Contusion & Myossitis Ossificans
Abnormal Patellar Tracking causes Chondromalacia Patella
Applying a donut pad is recommended for what?
Covering and protecting a blister
Back Kneed (Hyperextension of knee)
Genu Recurvatum
Direct Blow to Thigh & Limb Appears Shorter
Femur Fracture
A condition common in runners leading to pain and irritation over lateral femoral condyle
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
A callus is recommended to be fully removed.
False - Decreasing the size of a callus can prevent problems but you should not fully remove one.
Osteitis Pubis causes client discomfort with what movements?
SitUps, Running, & Squat
Blood Accumulation under the nail.
Subungual Hematoma
What are the names of the tarsal bones? (7)
Talus, Calcaneus, Cuneiforms 1,2,3, Navicular, Cuboid
What is the unhappy triad?
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Medial Meniscus
Medial Collateral Ligament
A patella dislocation is a medical emergency
False - A knee Dislocation is