What is cognitive development?
a) The fatty tissue around axons and neurons.
b) The development of your memory and thinking abilities.
c) Believing in both the interplay of assimilation and accommodation.
What is b, the development of your memory and thinking abilities.
True or False Cognitive Empathy relates to the ability to take the perspective of others and feel concern for others.
What is True.
How many theorists did we talk about and what were their names?
We talked about four: Jean Piaget, David Elkind, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Carol Gilligan.
True or False Automatic processing is information remembered quickly.
What part of the brain is responsible for outcomes, forming judgments, controlling impulses and emotions?
What is the Prefrontal Cortex.
What is a psychological constructivist?
a) Believing in both the interplay of assimilation and accommodation.
b) The ability to create a hypothesis based on logical reasoning
c) The development of your memory and thinking abilities
What is a, believing in both the interplay of assimilation and accommodation.
When does cognitive empathy begin to rise in girls?
a) 12
What is b, around 13.
Who talked about imaginary audiences?
a) Jean Piaget
b) David Elkind
c) We did not talk about an imaginary audience.
Who is David Elkind.
What are the three stages of storing information?
a) Sensory, Short-term, Long-term
b)Sensorimotor Intelligence, Preoperational, Concrete Operational Thinking
What is a, sensory, short-term, and long-term.
True or False Myelin is thinking about key concepts rather than just specific facts.
False Myelin is the fatty tissue around axons and neurons.
What is hypothetical-deductive reasoning?
a) The ability to create a hypothesis based on logical reasoning
b) Believing in both the interplay of assimilation and accommodation
c) The fatty tissue around axons and neurons.
What is a, the ability to create a hypothesis based on logical reasoning.
When does cognitive empathy begin to rise in boys?
a) 15
b) 16
c) 17
What is a, 15.
Who talked about moral development?
a) David Elkind
b) Jean Piaget
c) Lawrence Kohlberg
Who is Lawrence Kohlberg.
What are the three different ways to retrieve information, and their definitions?
The three are recall, recognition, and relearning. Recall is accessing information with no cues. Recognition is identifying information that you previously learned. Relearning is learning information you previously learned.
What is the leading cause of death for 15-20 year olds.
What are motor vehicle accidents.
What is an imaginary audience?
What is the belief that everyone around the adolescent is just as absorbed in his or her appearance as they are in himself or herself.
What is another phrase used to refer to cognitive empathy?
a) Theory of Mind
b) Theory of Memory
c) Theory of Emotion
What is a, Theory of Mind.
Who talked about morality of care?
a) David Elkind
b) Carol Gilligan
c) Jean Piaget
Who is Carol Gilligan?
What percent of what people learn do they forget in only one day?
a) 60%
b) 70%
c) 80%
What is research indicates that people forget 80% of what they’ve learned in only one day.
What are the four main reasons for car crashes?
What are following cars to closely, driving to fast for weather and road conditions, distraction from fellow passengers, and distractions from cell phones.
What is wisdom?
What is the capacity for judgement and insight that is developed through experience.
What situations is cognitive empathy crucial during?
What is during social problem solving and conflict avoidance.
Who was a psychological constructivist?
Who is Jean Piaget.
What are some strategies for strengthening your memory? Name at least three.
What is rehearse, use Visuals, create mnemonics, chunking, connecting new information to old information, and getting quality sleep.
What are the four main stages of cognitive development?
What are sensorimotor intelligence, preoperational, concrete operational thinking, and formal operational thinking.