3rd person, plural
What is "-bant"
What is "we were"
What is "to fall down"
Cornelius rogabat
What is "Cornelius was asking"
Marcus used to have a dog.
Marcus canem habebat.
2nd person, singular
What is "-bas"
What is "I was"
What is "to stick"
What is "What were you doing?"
The carriage was remaining in the ditch.
Raeda in fossa manebat.
1st person, plural
What is "-bamus"
He was able/could
What is "poterat"
very fast
What is "celerrime"
Syrus non dormiebat
What is "Syrus was not sleeping"
We were not able to find Geta.
(Nos) Getam invenire non poteramus.
2nd person, plural
What is "-batis"
They were
What is "erant"
What is "periculum"
Syrus raedam magna arte agebat
What is "Syrus was driving the carriage with great skill."
The courier was bringing the letters of the citizens out of the city.
Tabellarius epistulas civium ex urbe portabat.
1st person, singular
We were able/could
What is "poteramus"
in vain
What is "frustra"
nos omnes sumus incolumes
What is "we all were safe/unhurt"
Cornelius was wanting to reach the city in three days.
Cornelius urbem tribus diebus advenire volebat.