Intro & A preliminary definition
Rites of passage & social structures
Theory and practice & belief and practice
The body &The body and community beliefs
Speech acts, & Conclusion

What do codes of ritual purity do?

 What is determining what can or cannot be eaten, what should be sought out, and what should be avoided?


!!!Daily Double !!!

Describe the tso yueh ritual

What is A woman sperating herself from her family in a separate birthing room. Only very few people are allowed to be there, including the midwife and a few older family members. After giving birth, the first thirty days are a rest period. Very few visitors have contact with the mother and the baby. At the end of tso yueh, they are reunited with the family?


True or false, Rites of passage are a way to transition from one stage of life to another.

What is True?


What is the term group used for ?

What is to specify the strength with which the boundaries between insiders and outsiders are set.


What is the name of J.L Austin's theory

What is the Speech Act Theory? 


What are the five pillars of Islam? 

What are

1)The confession that there is one God, and that Muhammad is his prophet.

2)Pray five times daily.

3) Give money or food to the poor. 

4) Fast during the month of Ramadan. 

5) If able, make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.


What happens during the ritual mukanda?

What is young boys are isolated for a long period of time, circumcised, and instructed by the older men in their community.


True or false, Émile Durkheim thinks that religious rituals reinforce the existing structures within the given society.

What is True?


True or false, Catherine Bell says that Scholars are able to figure out a ritual by observing it

What is true ?


!!!DAILY DOUBLE !!!! What is Stanley Tambiah's definition of a ritual.

What is a ritual can be defined as a culturally constructed syatem of symbolic communication. 


What are two examples of ceremonies and rituals in the Roman Catholic  religion? 

What are baptism, confirmation, matrimony, and ordination?


Fill in the blank 

Gennep states all                    serve the function of resolving social crises related to the identity and status of group members

What is a rite of Passage?


What is a ritual reflection ?

What is the assumption that a ritual is an objective reality.


!!!DAILY DOUBLE!!! Give two examples of the bodily movement rituals on pg. 205.

Christians marking themselves with water, and the sign of the cross.

Jews binding phylacteries to their foreheads and arms

Muslims bowing, kneeling, and prostating themselves in prayer

Hindus dissolving the statue of the god of Ganesa


Give two examples of  J. L Austin's Theory

What is exchanging vows at a wedding and when the priest says " I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" when pouring water over a child's head.


!!!DAILY DOUBLE!!!  What are the four segments that rituals can be broken into ? 

 What are 

 1) Rituals are culturally constructed

2) A ritual involves a system of symbolic communication.

3) Rituals involve patterned and ordered sequences.

4) Finally, the patterned repetitions of rituals involve both words and acts.


What are rituals that are associated with life's beginning, ending, and moments of significant transition called?

What are rites of passage? 


What is the definition of magic?

What is rooted in technique and its ritual practices are designed to accomplish some ends?


What is the term grid used for?


What is to specify the strength of regulations regarding social roles for individual members of the group 


True of false? A ritual only uses words and not acts

What is false?


What do ritual acts indicate ?

What is indicating how a religious community sees the relationship between human life and the broader cosmos ?


Arnold Van Gennep says that rituals facilitate the movement of an individual from one              to another

What is a stage of life or social status?


!!!DAILY DOUBLE!!! What does the phrase lex orandi or lex credndi mean?

What is the law that governs prayer is identical to the law of belief. 


How does the ritual Mukanda help the young boys.

What is ensuring that they young boys assume their place as men who are able to their respinsibilities within their tribe?


Fill in the blank

As religious communities ritually mark important transitions, they use       to communicate value, and to generate meanings that carry the taditions of the community forward 

What are words ?
