The Atlantic slave trade
conquest in the Americas
Struggle for North America
Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the americas
Effects of global contact?

when did international trade network begin and what was a big part of it?

This began in the 1500's. A big part of it was the slave trade. In which Africans were taken from their homes, sold, and sent to the America.


who sponsored exploration of a direct sea route to Asia from the west?



What two nations controlled vast parts of North America in the 1700's?

France and england 


when did Spain claim the vast empire stretching from California to South America?

By the mid 1500's


what is the Colombian exchange?

the global exchange of goods, ideas, plants and animals, and disease that began with Columbus’ exploration of the Americas


What was the triangular trade?

A series of trade linking Europe, Africa, and the Americas arose during the 1500's. The Atlantic slave trade was one part of the triangle.


Where did Columbus land and when? what were the names of his ships?

Columbus landed in the carribean islands in 1492. His ships names were Nina, the pinta, and the Santa Maria 


When did France claim vast amounts of land in North America?

During the 1500's


What were the most valuable resources shipped from Spanish America to Spain?

silver and gold


what 2 new foods were important at in the new world?

Corn and potatoes


What was the middle passage?

This was a terrible journey in which many people died. Africans were taken from villages and forced to walk in chains to ports and board ships. They would be packed below deck for weeks or months.


Who were the Native American people Columbus ran into and how did Columbus respond?

the Native American people were the Tainos. They grew corn, yams, and cotton. They were very friendly and welcoming. Despite this Columbus was vicious and hostile. He killed all their people and took over there land.


When was the first permanent settlement for the French?

In 1608 which was Quebec


Who was the Spanish priest who spoke out for native slaves?

Bartolomé de Las Casas


What is mercantilism?

policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported in order to build its supply of gold and silver


What impact did this have on Africa?

African states were torn apart. 2 million Africans died during these middle passage. 11 million Africans were brought to the Americas to become slaves.


Who were Cortes and moctezuma and what was their relation? 

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish explorer and a conquister. Moctezuma was the Aztec emperor. Cortes wanted to take over Moctezumas empire. 


What did many settlers do when it became hard to farm? 

They became fur trappers and traders.


What did Bartolomé suggest?

To import workers from Africa 


What is a tarriff

tax on imported goods
