Interpersonal Communications
Digital Communication and Social Media
Organizational Communication
Improving Communication Skills
Improving Receiver skills

The main goal of communication

 Transmit info and meaning from one party to another through use of shared symbols.


Some advantages of using digital communication and social media for a company

Share more info and reach a large number of people. Companies are using Linked-In, Facebook, and Twitter to for hundreds of millions of people. These provide a great way for young people to search for a job. 


Downward communication

 The flow of information from high to low


Beyond the basic point , senders can improve their communicational skills through _____, _____,______

Persuasion, writing, language


 ______ is a process by which a person states what he or she believes the other person says or means.



Something that can block the communication process and hinder the understanding of the receiver

Noise or interference. Poor phone reception. Poor Listening. Distractions. Fatigue or stress.


Some disadvantages that social media can bring

Inability to pick up on nonverbal cues. Also usually complex problems are much easier to solve face-to-face. People are more willing to lie online.


information shared between employees of the same hierarchical level

Horizontal communication


One Tip for Being an Effective Public Speaker

Spend time on content, Understand the objective, tell the audience the purpose, provide meaning, practice, presentation is more like a conversation, eye contact, allow imperfection, answer tough questions, crisp wrap-up


3 types of skills are needed to be a good receiver in effective communication

Good listening, reading, and observation skills


Which is more difficult and time-consuming, one-way communication or two-way communication?

Two-way communication is more time-consuming because the person does not have to deal with any questions or disagreements from someone who disagrees. 


Some ways that a company can overcome digital media overuse by employees

Prohibit work communication during certain times. Ex. Consulting firm Vynamic prohibits any work communication from 10pm to 6am.


Social network of informal communications

the grapevine


The most powerful and persuasive messages are ______ and ______

Simple and Informative


One of the ten keys to effective listening

Find an area of interest, judge content, hold your fire, listen for ideas, be flexible, resist distraction, exercise your mind, keep your mind open, capitalize on thought speed, work at listening


The main disadvantages of using written communication

The sender has no control over who sees the message or when they see it. The sender does not receive immediate feedback. Might not contain all of the info that the receiver needs.


The richest form of media

Rich media conveys a lot of information. Face to face is the most rich because it conveys cues in addition to words such as voice tone, facial expression, body language, and other nonverbal signs.


Open-Book management is unpopular because

managers like to keep information to themselves


Effective writing is more than correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Good writing above all requires _____, _____ thinking

Clear, logical


The best communicators are also good at ______ and ______ non-verbal communications.

Observing and interpreting


The general definition of filtering

Filtering is the process of withholding or ignoring information. Senders could do this when they tell the boss what they think he wants to hear and they give unwarranted compliments instead of honest criticism. 


Percentage of Fortune 500 company CEOs are active on social media according to the book

60% are not active.


Once information reaches the workers, ___% of the information is lost.

80% loss


 _______ is a form of shorthand that makes communication both effective and efficient when both sender and the receiver know the buzzwords.



 _______ communicators tend to maintain less eye contact, make either more or fewer body movements than usual, and smile either too much or too little.

