The return of White Democratic rule in the South after the Reconstruction
What is redemption
The south called people who would travel from the north to the south to profit from the reconstruction _____.
What is carpetbagger
An act in 1866 which granted “all persons born in the United States” to be citizens of the United States and granted those citizens “full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and property.”
What is Civil Rights Act of 1866
: In March 1865 this bureau was passed by congress to aid displaced blacks and war refugees. It didn’t receive direct funding til a year later and gained permission to investigate southern abuse. This Bureau was passed by congress in 1865 to aid displaced blacks and war refugees.
What is Freedman’s Bureau
was a member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania and one of the leaders of the Radical Republican faction of the Republican Party during the 1860s.
What is Thaddeus Stevens
Laws that authorized federal prosecutions and military intervention against terroristic activity from Ex-Confederate groups such as the KKK.
What is enforcement laws
This is the policy in which the government leaves business and the economy alone
What is laissez faire?
A system of cotton agriculture where tenants turn over half of their crop to landlord
What is sharecropping
A former slave who became a war hero after escaping with his family and other slaves by bringing his ship to the Union navy.
What is Robert smalls
This woman, an officer of the National Woman Suffrage Association, fought and lost against Happersett, as the Supreme Court ruled that the right of suffrage was not protected by the 14th amendment.
Who is Virginia Minor?
This bill required that 50 % of the states white males must take a loyalty oath to be readmitted into the union, and must require to give blacks have the right to vote.
What is The wade davis bill
This group of union loyalists financially supported the Republican party and Lincoln’s ideals.
What is Union Leagues?
she lead the National woman suffrage Association that focused exclusively on women's rights and took up the battle for a federal suffrage amendment
What is Elizabeth cady Stanton
a law passed by the Congress in 1875 protects each citizen's right, independent on race, to use public transportation, go to the theatre, participate in a trial as jury and pursue further social actions. Furthermore the law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
What is Civil rights act of 1875
Which bank lost the savings of 61,000 depositors due to the director of the bank sinking their money into risky loans and speculated investments and inevitably failed in 1874.
Freedman's saving and trust company
Created the process of admitting southern states back into the union. In order to join they would have to accept the 14th and (15th?) amendments which gave African Americans a national citizenship and (the right to vote?), and they had to accept other things.
What is Reconstruction act of 1867
Started by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, this group took up the battle for women's suffrage on a federal level
What is National Women Suffrage Movement
This scandal of 1872-1873 damaged the careers of several Gilded Age politicians. A sham corporation set up by shareholders in the Union Pacific Railroad to secure government grants at an enormous profit.
What is crédit mobilier
This amendment declared that, “all persons born or naturalized in the united states” were citizens.
What is 14th amendment
American politician and senator from Massachusetts. He was almost beaten to death by Preston Brooks
What is Charles sumner
This association was made after the Equal Rights in 1869. They prioritized getting women the right to vote, their efforts were led by Lucy Stone.
What is women's sufferage association
This system of penal labor was practiced in the south after abolish
What is convict leasing
People who believed in free trade, small government, low property taxes and limitation of voting rights to men of education and property (rich and educated men). They started the revolt in the Republican Party
What is Classic Liberalism
former Virginia plantation slave who was tortured by his white father. He established a school for freedmen in Missouri during the war after he escaped. 1869 he was Mississippi’s second black senator. This man escaped from Virginia to Missouri to open a school for freedmen, 5 years later becoming Mississippi’s second black senator in 1869.
What is Blanch K. Bruce
State supreme cases against discrimination applied only to the federal and state governments, not to individuals or private institutions. So the government could not order segregation, but restaurants, hotels, and railroads could
What is civil rights cases