When Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemene, he was asking God to do what?
He wanted God to let him live and not suffer the great agony of crucifixtion.
What was the man's name who helped Jesus carry his cross?
What are the 3 days we call the Triduum?
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Saturday
Who is Pontius Pilate?
Th Roman Emporer who did not want Jesus crucified
How many days are in Lent?
40 days
What is the feast the Jewish people were celebrating on Holy Thursday?
There were 2 people also crucified with Jesus. Why were they being crucified?
They were criminals
What special act does the priest do at Mass on Holy Thursday?
The priest washes the feet of people who have worked to help the church
Who was the man that the crowds wanted released instead of Jesus?
When does Lent begin and what do we do to start the season of Lent?
It begins on Ash Wednesday and we have ashes sprinkled on our heads.
What 2 sacraments were instituted on Holy Thursday?
Holy Communion and Holy Orders
How many hours did Jesus hang on the cross until he died and what time of the day did this happen?
3 hours and from 12 to 3
What is the only day of the year when Mass is not celebrated?
Good Friday
The name of the woman who kindly wiped the face of Jesus as he traveled to Calvary?
What does the word Lent mean?
Lent means "springtime"
Who was the apostle who betrayed Jesus with a kiss?
What is the name of the place were Jesus died?
On what day during Holy Week does the priest read the Passion of our Lord?
Palm Sunday which is also called Passion Sunday
Who was the woman who stood by Jesus and His Mother Mary to the very end of His life?
Mary Magdaline
What are the 4 parts of the Paschal mystery?
Jesus' passion or suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension
Who were the apostles that went with Jesus to the Garden to pray and what did they do there?
Peter, James and John went to the garden and fell asleep instead of praying
How many times did Jesus fall along the way to Calvary?
3 times
On the evening of what day, the church starts the Celebration of Easter with a beautiful Mass?
Holy Saturday
What is the name of the king at the time of Jesus? He asked Jesus to work some tricks or miracles for him but Jesus refused.
King Herod
What is the word we use to name the adults preparing to become Catholic?