Sports Paradoxes
Sports History
Define "Sport"
A set of competitive activities in which winners and losers are determined by physical performance within a set of established rules.
What is the difference between a sport and a game?
Sports are based on physical energy and Games are based on mental strength. Sport is played with a view of competition in mind while game is played with a friendly attitude.
Why is "Fair Play" considered a paradox in sports?
Sport promotes fair play by teaching the importance of following the rules BUT Sport's emphasis on winning tempts people to cheat.
Name three roles that sport plays in society, according to functionalists.
Sport encourages the development of character Sport teaches basic beliefs, norms, and values Sport promotes a sense of social identification Sport offers a safe release of aggressive feelings generated by the frustrations, anxieties, and strains of modern life
Babe Ruth began his baseball career in 1914 playing for the Boston Red Sox, playing what position?
What is "Stacking"?
Assignment of players to less central positions on the basis of race or ethnicity.
How do sports promote or restrict Social Mobility?
Promote: Whatever sport they play, college athletes tend to be better educated, earn more money, and have higher occupational prestige. Restrict: Only a select few (around .2% average) of high school athletes will progress to the professional level. Moreover, those who become professional athletes have short careers on average.
Why is "Physical Fitness" in sports considered a paradox?
Sport promotes muscle strength, weight control, endurance, and coordination BUT Sports can lead to the use of steroids and other drugs, excessive weight loss or gain, and injuries.
What are two of the reasons that Conflict Theorists believe that sport creates inequality?
Sport is a social institution in which the most powerful oppress, manipulate, coerce, and exploit others. While people from all major segments of a community or society may join in cheering for the same team, their union is only temporary. Basic social class division, in other words, will continue to exist and affect social relationships in a community.
In what year were women first allowed to participate in the modern Olympic Games?
1900 in Paris
What is a "Sport Subculture" and give an example
A group with distinct roles, values, norms, and beliefs that is organized around a sport activity EX: Boxers, Hockey Players, Football Players, Jockeys, etc.
Why has the percentage of women coaching women's sports declined?
Ironically, Title IX (1972 Educational Amendment Act) may be one reason for this decline. As the money and prestige associated with women's programs have increased, men have found these coaching jobs much more attractive.
How does "Social Integration" lead to a paradox?
Sport can unite different social classes and racial/ethnic groups BUT Sport can heighten barriers that separate groups
What is the basic assumption of Symbolic Interactionism?
Participation in a team sport may promote or harm self-esteem depending upon factors such as emphasis on winning and fair play.
Who holds the record as the most accurate 3-point shooter in the NBA?
Steve Kerr
Define "Paradox" as it relates to sports
A situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. Sports actively encourage positive traits while unintentionally encourage a potentially harmful opposite.
According to Functionalism, what are the social dysfunctions of sport?
Because sport reflects society, it draws on achievement-oriented values that can be intensified to an extreme degree. When achievement and winning come to be seen as the primary goals of sport, any method of winning - including violence and cheating - may be encouraged.
Why are "Academics" considered a sports paradox?
Sport contributes to higher education through scholarships and fund raising BUT Sports take money away from academics and emphasizes athletic performance over learning and graduation
Which concept does Functionalism promote based on the assumption that "Athletic teams promote togetherness and belonging in a community."
Social Integration
Which NHL team holds the title for having won the most Stanley Cups?
Montreal Canadiens: 23 Cup wins. (Blackhawks are still better)
What are some of the consequences of Sexism in sports?
Sexism has denied females equal access to organized sports. To be an athlete, females have been told, is to be unfeminine. This stigma discourages many females from participating in athletics.
Which of the following is not an example of a sport? A: a baseball game between two major league teams B: a baseball game between two minor league teams C: a spontaneous race between two cyclists D: a swim meet involving amateur athletes
C: a spontaneous race between two cyclists. This is because sports require a set of established rules which cannot be found in a spontaneous race.
Why is "Social Mobility" considered a paradox in sports?
Sports allow athletes who might otherwise not attend college to obtain an education BUT Only a few can achieve the promise of fame and wealth in the professional ranks
Which perspective does the Conflict Perspective disagree with the most?
Functionalism; the Conflict Perspective details a theory that is the exact opposite of the Functionalist Perspective.
In what year did the "Miracle on Ice" occur?