Black rights
Republican party
Acts & Amendments
Presidents during Reconstruction
The purpose of the black codes passed in 1865 was to A) provide blacks with economic opportunities. B) extend civil rights, although limited, to the freedmen. C) extend to blacks the same rights that whites enjoyed. D) subordinate blacks to whites.
D) subordinate blacks to whites.
What was the result of President Johnson's plan to unite white opponents against the Fourteenth Amendment for the election of 1866? A) The Democratic Party made unlikely gains. B) The National Union Party won all northern states. C) The Republicans won a resounding victory. D) Northern whites turned against Reconstruction.
C) The Republicans won a resounding victory.
Who was disappointed in the voting rights provisions in the Fourteenth Amendment? A) Northern members of the Republican Party B) Advocates of female suffrage C) Frederick Douglass and other abolitionists D) Ex-slaves in the South
B) Advocates of female suffrage
Who opposed President Johnson's reconstruction plan? A) Democratic legislators B) Southern newspaper editors C) Republican legislators D) Southern planters
C) Republican legislators
Supreme Court decisions in the years following the Civil War largely A) promoted the Republican Radicals' agenda for civil rights. B) expanded the power of the federal government. C) undermined reconstruction. D) expanded voting rights.
C) undermined reconstruction.
Why did African Americans prefer sharecropping to wage labor? A) Sharecropping placed blacks on equal footing with whites. B) Most black sharecroppers became very wealthy. C) White landlords provided black sharecroppers with housing for life. D) Sharecropping freed blacks from the day-to-day supervision of whites.
D) Sharecropping freed blacks from the day-to-day supervision of whites.
What problem plagued the Republican governments of the Reconstruction South? A) Lack of support from poor blacks B) Indifference toward racial discrimination C) Corruption D) Lack of ambition
C) Corruption
Who was disappointed in the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867? A) Moderate Republicans who opposed black suffrage B) Republicans who felt that blacks needed their own land C) Black men who did not own enough property to vote D) Ex-slaves who demanded the redistribution of land
D) Ex-slaves who demanded the redistribution of land
Why did President Andrew Johnson's quick reconstruction of ex-Confederate states shock reformers? A) Johnson's lenient terms for reconstruction belied his earlier states' rights stance. B) He had long expressed a desire to destroy the southern planter aristocracy. C) Johnson's harsh terms for reconstruction belied his earlier promises of leniency. D) He failed to follow through on his promise to grant the freedmen voting rights.
B) He had long expressed a desire to destroy the southern planter aristocracy.
Who were the Redeemers in the South? A) Reformers who hoped to establish public education in the South B) Politicians who believed Confederate dollars should be redeemed for U.S. dollars C) Ministers who hoped to heal the breach between northern and southern churches D) Southern Democrats who wanted to restore white supremacy in the South
D) Southern Democrats who wanted to restore white supremacy in the South
How did Congress respond to southern Republicans' pleas for federal protection from the racism and violence of the Ku Klux Klan? A) Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1875. B) It failed to respond because lawmakers felt they lacked the power to do anything. C) Congress ignored the request for fear of alienating Southern Democrats. D) It passed the Compromise of 1877 in an attempt to stop Klan violence.
A) Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1875.
What was the result of Republican campaigns for public education in the South during the Reconstruction period? A) Very few blacks had the opportunity to attend school. B) Literacy rates rose sharply across the South. C) Southern schools had the same funding as Northern schools. D) The South desegregated its public schools.
B) Literacy rates rose sharply across the South.
The new southern state constitutions mandated by the Reconstruction Acts introduced which of the following reforms? A) Mandatory education B) Universal male suffrage C) Wholesale disfranchisement of ex-rebels D) The redistribution of property
B) Universal male suffrage
Andrew Johnson was impeached on what charge? A) Johnson attempted to block Republican Reconstruction plans. B) He undermined the Freedmen's Bureau. C) Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act. D) He replaced Union generals with conservative officials in the South.
C) Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act.
What did former slaves hope to gain from the Reconstruction labor transformation? A) Better wages B) Fair contracts C) Land ownership D) Jobs for women
C) Land ownership
How influential were African American politicians during the period southern whites derisively called “Negro domination?” A) Only one out of five Republican officeholders was black. B) Blacks held a majority in the state legislatures for a short time. C) African Americans held no elected office. D) Only states with black majorities elected blacks to office.
A) Only one out of five Republican officeholders was black.
What problem plagued the Republican governments of the Reconstruction South? A) Lack of support from poor blacks B) Indifference toward racial discrimination C) Corruption D) Lack of ambition
C) Corruption
The goal of the Wade-Davis bill was to A) guarantee freedmen equal protection before the law. B) confiscate the property of ex-Confederates. C) force three-fourths of voters in a former rebel state to take a loyalty oath. D) grant forty acres and a mule to every male ex-slave.
A) guarantee freedmen equal protection before the law.
After Ulysses S. Grant, the former Union general, was elected president in 1868, he A) proved a decisive leader. B) supported congressional reconstruction. C) surrounded himself with skilled politicians. D) became known for his anticorruption activities.
B) supported congressional reconstruction.
Why did many freedmen travel immediately after gaining freedom? A) Planters no longer wanted their work. B) Freedmen refused to work. C) Planters threatened them with violence. D) They wanted to reunite their families.
D) They wanted to reunite their families.
Within months of the end of the Civil War, about one-third of black women in the South A) moved to the North. B) filed for divorce. C) obtained a factory job. D) abandoned field work.
D) abandoned field work
How did moderate Republicans and Republican Radicals differ in 1865? A) Moderates championed black equality, while Radicals wanted to limit the rights of black Americans. B) Moderates supported states' rights and limited federal involvement in the economy, while Radicals wanted to expand federal powers. C) Moderates supported Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plan, while Radicals wanted to write their own. D) Moderates did not actively support black voting rights and the distribution of confiscated lands to the freedmen, while Radicals did.
D) Moderates did not actively support black voting rights and the distribution of confiscated lands to the freedmen, while Radicals did.
Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1866 extraordinary? A) It made discrimination in state laws illegal. B) The act declared martial law in the South. C) It expanded the states' authority to write their own civil rights laws. D) The act prolonged the life of the Freedmen's Bureau.
A) It made discrimination in state laws illegal.
What did President Johnson do after Mississippi's rejection of legislation that outlawed slavery and to South Carolina's refusal to renounce secession? A) Johnson refused to intervene. B) He denied the states' new constitutions. C) Johnson refused to pardon planters and Confederate officials. D) He sent the military into Mississippi and South Carolina.
A) Johnson refused to intervene.
How did the Fourteenth Amendment deal with voting rights? A) The Amendment explicitly granted all black adults the right to vote. B) It gave Congress the right to reduce an intransigent state's representation. C) The Amendment granted the vote to adult black males in all states. D) It phased in voting rights for blacks over a five-year period.
C) The Amendment granted the vote to adult black males in all states.