Who was the first African American Senator and when was he elected?
Hiram Revels and he was elected in 1870.
Who followed Lincoln as president
Who is Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's vice president.
Who led the radical republicans?
Who is Thaddius Stevens?
WHat is our history teachers FULL NAME!!!?
Mister Timothy McClain (doesnt have a middle name)
21.What was a sharecropper? 561
A sharecropper is a laborer who worked the land for the farmer who owns it, in exchange for a share of the value of the crop.
When was Lincoln assassinated and by whom?
Abraham Lincoln was shot dead on April 14, 1865 in Ford’s theatre, 5 days after Lee’s surrender. John Wilkes Booth shot him. Lincoln died the next morning after he was shot.
Who became president after Johnson (election of 1868)?
President Grant won the election of 1868. Grant made poor appointments to public offices often appointing personal friends. Many of the appointees proved to be corrupt. Although Grant himself had no part in the corruption that took place, his reputation suffered. Grant won reelection in 1872.
What was the 13th amendment and when was it passed?
In January of 1865, Congress approved a constitutional amendment to abolish slavery throughout the nation. This law gave Congress the power to make laws to enforce its terms.
Who was the Ku Klux Klan?
The Ku Klux Klan were white terrorists who created a secret societies to terrorize African Americans and their white allies. They would whip, torture, shoot, or hang African Americans and white REPUBLICANS. Their violence took hundreds of lives during the election of 1868.
Who followed Grant in the White House, when was he elected and what was one of his first actions when he became president?
Rutherford B. Hayes and he were elected in 1876.
What was the 15th amendment and when was it passed?
The 15th amendment was passed in 1869 and it barred all states from denying African American males the right to vote.
What is the Wade-Davis Bill?
1864--Congress passed a much stricter plan for Reconstruction 6 months later saying that 50% of state’s voters would have to sign a loyalty oath before a state could return to the Union. But, the bill did not give Confederate soldiers a right to vote. Lincoln never signed the bill, so it never became a law.
What was the 14th amendment and when was it passed?
The 14th amendment was passed 1868 and it says that all people born or naturalized in the US are citizens. It also declares that states may not pass laws that take away a citizen’s rights. Guarantees equal protection under the law.
What was Lincoln’s 10% plan?
Lincoln wanted to make it easy for the Confederates to come back into the Union. In 1863, Lincoln introduced the 10% plan. It said that as soon as 10% of the state’s voters swore an oath loyalty to the US, the voters could organize a new state government. Lincoln’s plan included amnesty (a group pardon) for former confederated who took the loyalty oath.
How did the election of 1876 lead to the end of reconstruction?
Rutherford B. Hayes pulled all troops out of the south because he made a deal with the south that said that if he were elected, he would pull the troops out of the south.
Who made this jeopardy
Ellie2 and Caroline
What was a major weakness in Grant’s administration? 558
Grant made poor appointments to public offices often appointing personal friends. Many of the appointees proved to be corrupt. Although Grant himself had no part in the corruption that took place, his reputation suffered. Grant won reelection in 1872.
Who were scalawags? Carpetbaggers?
Scalawags were by their opponents, were southern whites that had opposed secession. Carpetbaggers were a name given by Southerners to northern whites that went south to start a business or pursue political office.
What was the Freedmen's Bureau?
In March of 1865, Congress created the Freedmen’s Bureau that helped set up schools to teach Freedmen to read and write. It was the urgent to deal with the needs of freedmen, as well as other war refugees. It also helps freedmen find jobs and resolved (decided) disputes between whites and blacks. And the Freedmen’s Bureau set up its own courts to deal with such disputes.
19.How did poor and poorly educated whites circumvent the two measures you described in the prior question? 560
They used the grandfather clause, which was a provision that allowed a voter to avoid a literacy test of his father, or grandfather had been eligible to vote on January 1, 1867.
Which sushi class is the best!
sushi8 jk
22.What was the “New South” and what two economic activities were central to its emergence? 562
The New South was based on industrial growth. The first element of the South’s economy to begin recovery was agriculture, like cotton and tobacco production. The second element was for the south to begin to develop its own resources, like iron, timber, and oil.
Who were the Radical Republicans and how did their platform differ from president Johnson?
Radical Republican- demanded that the states disband their government, they have to write a new constitution, and they need to ratify the 13th and 14th amendment, and had to allow slaves to vote, and confederate soldiers could not vote Johnson- demanded for them to swear a loyalty oath, had to ratify the 13th amendment, and the former confederates could serve in the government
18.What were two ways African Americans were kept from voting in the South?
Southern whites made poll taxes, which is a personal tax to be paid before voting. They also made a literacy test, or a test to see if a person can read and write.
20.What principal was established in the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson?
The Court said a law could require “separate” facilities, so long as they were “equal.” Which means that you could have segregation, but you would have to have an equal place for other people, like blacks.