Big 5 Personality Traits
Psychosocial Theories of Development
Self-Concept and Personality
Relationships at Midlife
Vocational Life
Amber has a stye of her own. She doesn't care what people think of her.
What is: Openness To Experience
According to Erikson, in middle age people are faced with which psychological conflict?
What is: generavity versus stagnation
The future oriented representations of what one hopes to become and what one is afraid of becoming is known as:
What is: Possible Selves
As children marry, and in-laws are introduced to the family network, middle-aged parents, especially mothers, often take on the role of gathering the family for celebrations and making sure everyone stays in touch. This role is referred to as:
What is: the kinkeeper
Job satisfaction increases at all occupational levels, more so for women than for men - True or False?
What is: False - more so for men than women
Sandy thinks she is not beautiful but she has been told many times that she is. What trait is she displaying?
What is: Neuroticism
According to Levinson, middle-aged adults reassess their relation to the themselves and the external world. In doing so, they confront four developmental tasks, each requiring them to reconcile two opposing tendencies within the self. What are these 4 tasks?
What is: young-old, destruction-creation, masculinity-femininity, engagement-separateness
People refer to the middle age as what?
What is: The prime of Life
A trend in which women who support themselves or their families have become the majority of the adult population in poverty is referred to as:
What is: Feminization of Poverty
___________ ______________ are common as middle-aged people seek to increase the personal meaning and self-direction of their work lives.
What is: Vocational Readjustments
Chris needed a place to stay, but no one to know where he was living at the time. Doug offered him to stay there for the time being and did not tell anyone. What trait is this an example of?
What is: Agreeableness
Valliant found that adults in their late forties and fifties take on responsibility as ______?
What is: Guardians of their culture
In regards to gender identity, both men and women become more _______ in middle adulthood.
What is: androgynous
A longer life expectancy means that adults will spend as much as ______ of their life-span in the grandparent role.
What is: 1/3
Women and ethnic minorities face a _______ ________ because of limited access to management training and prejudice against omen who demonstrate qualities linked to leadership and advancement.
What is: glass ceiling
________ and ________ increase from teenage years through middle age.
What is: Agreeableness and Conscientiousness
What types of generavity are African American's more involved in?
What is: religious groups, increased social support
The period in one's life characterized by intense self-doubt and inner turmoil, which leads to drastic changes in their personal lives and careers is known as what?
What is: Midlife Crisis
Approximately 4-5 % of the child population live with their grandparents, and the grandparents, rather than parents, become the primary caregivers in a type of family referred to as:
What is: skipped-generation families
A condition in which long-term job stress leads to mental exhaustion, a sense of loss of personal control, and feelings of reduced accomplishment
What is : A Burnout
100's of personality traits on which people differ have been organized into 5 basic factors, known as the big 5 personality traits, name all 5.
What is: Neuroticism, Extroversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness
According to Vaillant, as people approach the end of the middle age, they begin to focus on ______ goals rather than _______ goals, such as the state of human relations in their society.
What is: long term, personal
Changes in personality, self-descriptions, and an improved ability to blend strengths and weaknesses into an organized picture all increase the effectiveness of _______ ________ in middle adulthood.
What is: coping strategies
what is the term used to refer to the idea that middle-aged adults must care for multiple generations above and below them at the same time?
What is: Sandwich Generation
Name at least 2 things that can help reduce the stress of unemployment:
What is : Counseling, social support, effective problem-centered coping strategies