introduction to radiology
history of XRAYS
fundamentals of radiology
patient preparation procedures
dental radiographs
use XRAYS to produce black and white images of anatomy
What is general "diagnostics" radiographers
Xrays were discovered in_______ by a scientist Wilhem Conrad Roentgen while experimenting with a device called a Crooke's tube
What is 1895
kilo-voltage (kVp), exposure time, milli-amperage (mA), and target distance (TFD)
What is the four factors the density of x-ray is controlled
hand written or may be inputted into CHCS, Radiologic consultation request/report
What is SF 519
aids in case of death
What is the advantage of dental x-rays
use a rotating xray unit to obtain "slices" of anatomy and different levels of the body
What is computed tomography (CT) techs
Wilhem Conrad Roentgen knew that the cathode rays could only travel short distances outside the tube and he realized he observing a new, unknown ray. the symbol in mathematics representing the unknown
What is the "X" in XRAY
Time- reducing the time of an exposure reduces the effective dose proportionally, Distance-6ft, Shielding- walls of rooms are lead lined, lead aprons and vest are the best methods of shielding
What is the factors that affect the amount of exposure (dose) a patient recieves
1. film size 8x10 or 10x12, 2. film size 14x17
What is 1. film sizes for hand, skull, c-spine. 2. film size for chest, KUB
the up-and-down positioning of the tube head so the end of the cylinder is near the area to be radiographed
What is vertical angulation
are specially trained to operate MR equipment, (MRI) atoms in the patients body are exposed to a strong magnetic field that knocks the atoms out of alignment, creates detailed images of the patients anatomy
What is Magnetic Resonance MR techs
the first dental radiographs were taken 1895 by _____, used within 10 years of discovery to diagnose medical and dental conditions.
What is Dr. Otto Walkoff
consultation with provider is needed when performing radiographs is required
What is pregnant patients
1. check provider's order for exam, 2. only Medical/Dental officer, NP, PA, and IDCs can order, 3. SF 519 is placed
What is preparation of a patient about to receive radiographic examinations
reveals the presence of interproximal caries, certain pulp conditions, overhanging restorations, improperly fitting crowns, recurrent caries beneath restorations, and resorption of the alveolar bone
What is interproximal (Bitewing) examination
use sophisticated imaging techniques such as biplane fluoroscopy to help guide vena cava filters, stents or tools through the body.
What is Cardiovascular-Interventional techs
Medical X-Ray machine, Dental X-Ray Machine, Film Viewers ( metal case with back-lighted screen)
What is the three medical imaging equipment pieces of HM will most likely see
5,000mRems (5 Rems) for the entire body
What is the annual total effectiveness dose limit
routine physicals, chronic cough, respiratory disease, asbestos, fractured ribs, pain with respirations
What is the indications for a chest x-ray
maxillary incisor area (tip of nose), maxillary cuspid area, maxillary bicuspid (below the pupil of the eye), maxillary molar (outer angle of the eye, and cheek bone), mandibular cuspid ( 2 1/4 in above lower border of mandible, mandibular bicuspid( 3 1/4 above mandible border, mandibular molar ( 1/4 in above lower border of mandible)
what are the landmarks used to center the tube head cylinder on the area to be radiographed
administer trace amounts of radiopharmaceuticals to a patient to obtain functional information about organs, tissues, and bones
What is Nuclear Medicine techs
chest x-rays
What is the most common x-ray performed
Prolonged exposure to radiation may result in loss of hair, redness and inflammation of the skin, blood count change, cell atrophy, ulcerations, sterility, genetic damage, cancer, leukemia, and death
What is bio effects of radiation
rotate the foot medially until the plantar surface forms and angle of 30 degrees to the plane of the cassette
What is oblique projection of the foot
position a paralleling device, look through locator rings to see if the bite-block is centered, align tube head, so that the patient's mouth is at the anterior edge of mandibular cuspid
What is the parallel placement technique