Can be made from corn, barely, or wheat and is considered a greener alternative to gasoline.
What is ethanol?
Side effects: Cancer, Memory disabilities, and/or depression
What is "Long-term effects of Pesticides"
Anyone, including children, the elderly, the unemployed and the underemployed, the homeless, people with disabilities, and both two-parent and single-parent families.
Who can hunger affect?
Requires food packages that provide specific types and amounts of food appropriate for six categories of participants.
What is the USDA?
Governed federal farm programs until 2008.
What is Farm Security and Rural Investment Act?
Side Effects: Headaches, Nausea, eye irritation and muscle weakness
What is "Short-term effects of Pesticides"
Have trouble concentrating
Have trouble bonding with other children
Are more likely to suffer illnesses resulting in school absences
Consistently perform more poorly on standardized test
Greater risk for dropping out of school
may potentially suffer brain, cognitive, and psychological impairment
How are undernourished children affected?
Enacted in 1972, was originally designed as a two-year pilot program to provide nutritional counseling and supplemental foods to pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants, and young children at nutritional risk.
What is the WIC program?
Process of drilling deep wells and injecting water, sand, and chemicals into them at a high pressure in order to fracture the rocks to release the natural gas inside.
What is fracking?
Immigrant workers from Mexico work/don't work as farm workers in the US
What is "Mexican farm workers are the main race of farm workers (68%)"
more likely to have:
•Seen a psychologist
•Been suspended from school
•Difficulty getting along with others
•Increase risk of committing suicide
How are Teenagers who are food insufficient affected?
To address areas of child development that are most affected by poor health and inadequate nutrition, including impaired learning.
What is the goal of WIC?
The average prices paid to farmers were 90-100% of parity during which years?
What is 1942-1953?
A movement (Union) in California that occurred due to poor working conditions for the farm workers in the US.
How does the USDA measures the continuum of food security and insecurity?
Funds 100% of food stamp program benefits.
What is the federal government?
Of the 2.2 million US farms in 2007, this many showed a positive net cash income from the farm operation.
What is 1 million?
The age of 12 is significant to farm workers because of why
What is "How old can children be to work on the farm workers"
National School Lunch Program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
What are examples of federal food and nutrition assistance programs?
12 pages.
What is the average length of a state food stamp application?