level of alertness an individual possesses
study of brain mechanisms active during economic
decision making
anterior region of the frontal lobe
Prefrontal cortex
guides attentional eye
Superior colliculus
question that asks how the brain blends individual attributes into a single object, when each attribute is processed in entirely different brain regions
Binding problem
a filter to select only the most important stimuli for processing
Attentional Bottleneck
being aware and perceiving what is going on in our minds
region where the valuation system operates
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
implicated in sustained attention
Lateral geniculate nucleus
syndrome in which no attention is paid
to one side of the body
Hemispatial neglect
involves shifting around the environment, highlighting stimuli for processing
Attentional Spotlight
brain processes that result in a person’s subjective experience
Hard problem of consciousness
Neuroeconomics research confirms that _____ inhibits impulsivity and enforces loss aversion
Prefrontal Cortex
involved with visual processing, orienting/shifting attention, and attentional filtering stimuli
used to test psychomotor speed and cognitive flexibility
Stroop Test
a failure to notice changes when comparing two alternating static visual scenes
Change Blindness
basic neural processing operations that we cannot experience through introspection
Cognitively Impenetrable
pivotal role in high-level control needed to attend to
stimuli and make plans
anterior forebrain
involved with the voluntary control of attention
Intraparietal sulcus
brain imaging technique that measures brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
simultaneous delivery of different stimuli to both ears
Dichotic presentation
understanding how patterns of neural activity create specific conscious experiences
Easy problem of Consciousness
parts of brain where the Choice system operates
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex/Doral anterior cingulate cortex
is involved in reflex shifts to a new location after target onset, especially if a stimulus is unexpected
Temporoparietal junction
condition where it is difficult for a person to recognize or understand that they have a health condition or disability