This is the age Daniel Boone was when he died in 1820
What is 86?
The number of original colonies
What is 13?
Boone followed these which led to finding the Cumberland Gap
What are Native American trails?
What is Wilderness Road?
The Indians who lived in the woods near Boone's boyhood home were this
What is friendly?
Boone enlisted in this to fight in the French and Indian War at age 19
What is the North Carolina militia?
Boone explored far west of this colony (not many people had because the king of England told the colonists not to go that far)
What is Virginia?
The Cumberland Gap lies between these three present day states
What are Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee?
This settlement was named after Daniel Boone
What is Boonesborough?
Because of his knowledge of the forest and Indians Boone was an ______ for the army
What is an asset?
Daniel's parents (Squire & Sarah Boone) were a part of this religious group
What are the Quakers?
Daniel Boone and his family moved here when he was 15 or 16 years old
What is North Carolina?
This amazing geographic formation makes a natural path which allowed travel through the Appalachian mountains for these
What are Indians and wild animals?
A term that means "accompanying another for protection, security, or as a mark of rank", which Boone did for many settlers in Kentucky
What is escort?
Boone was captured many times by Indians, once by this tribe
What are the Shawnee?
The name of the passageway through the Appalachian Mountains that Boone discovered
What is the Cumberland Gap?
Boone grew up in the woods on the western border of this colony
What is Pennsylvania?
Boone loved the area on the other side of the Cumberland Gap and wanted to settle there because of this
What is wonderful farmland?
This man was a landholder, surveyor, schoolteacher, author, and historian who wrote "The Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucke
Who was John Filson?
John Filson was captured by the Shawnee during this kind of trip
What is a surveying trip?
Daniel Boone was described as an adventurer who was alive with this
What is the American Spirit?
This man made peace treaties with the Indians which allowed people to safely live in Pennsylvania
Who was William Penn?
These were abundant on the other side of the Cumberland Gap?
What are wild animals?
Kentucky was west of the 13 colonies and was described as being vast __________
What is wilderness?
Sadly, _______ ________ (name) was killed by Indians as a teenager
Who was James Boone? (Daniel Boone's son)