European - First touch
(That's What She Said)
European - Expanding Trade
Ya I Know Mandarin
Where Anime Was Made
Europeans began exploring by the early 1400s. The three main reasons for exploring are: _______, _______, and _______.
God, Glory, and Gold.
*TRIVIA* Dutch, English, French, Portugese, and Spanish sailors established trading posts. Of these five, which did not have much of a profit (in its outpost in India)?
Hongwu started this Dynasty, and used Confucian beliefs and the civil service examination to stabilize China. This Dynasty would launch seven voyages to show their might and power.
The Ming Dynasty
5-7-5 syllable poem. Conveys an image rather trying to express an idea. Written and read by the towns folk of Tokugawa Japan.
What is a Haiku
He explained his wish to explore as "To serve God and His Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to do". Much later, he was the first to go around the tip of Africa, but had to return home due to low morale and food.
Bartolomeu Dias
Pope Alexander VI suggested this imaginary line running from north to south, across the Atlantic Ocean. The lands west will be Spain's while the land East will be Portugal's.
Line of Demarcation
This person led all seven voyages using large... ships, numbers of ships, measurements of ships and distance ships traveled. He distributed gifts to show Chinese superiority
Zheng He
Warrior-Chieftains. Samurai warlords. Strong and powerful and got all the ladies. One of the few powerful ones were Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
What is Daiymo
He was the one to support exploration and the main reason why Portugal was able to gain a headstart in exploring Asia and Africa. He founded a navigation school to achieve his goals of exploration.
Prince Henry
Spain and Portugal signed _________ to honor the Line of Demarcation, and to claim their acquired territory.
Treaty of Tordesillas
This Dynasty (founded by Manchus that overthrew the Ming Dynasty) expanded Chinese borders. It also established specific trading restrictions (which the Dutch obeyed, but Great Britan did not).
Qing Dynasty
Where the people went to watch the shows. The place where Romeo and Juliet was preformed. But wait it is in Japan. Actors in elaborate costumes made skits using music, dance, and mime, showed modern life in Japan.
What is Kabuki
He was the one to continue exploration towards the east after Bartolomew. He landed on India, which gave Portugal a direct route to India.
Vasco de Gama
After Portugal's success in Asia, other European countries tried to gain control of Indian Ocean trade. Two countries started to dominate the region: The English and the ________. Eventually, the English lost control to the other country.
Dutch (East India Company)
He gave China a letter from King George III (of Great Britain) asking to change Chinese trade agreement. China responded by saying they were independent and did not need to trade with Britain. Essentially, they said gt*o if you don't like my trade.
Lord Macatney('s mission to China)
This was created because the Europeans were invading there turf. The Japanese also didn't like the Christians. So they were like "No way Jose" and went into isolation. But they did have one port open ant Nagasaki to the Dutch and Chinese.
What is the Closed Country Policy