What is the minimum age to obtain a private pilot certificate?
17 years old - 61.103
What is the speed limit below 10,000 feet MSL?
250 knots - 91.117
How long after consuming alcohol can a pilot legally act as PIC?
8 hours - 91.17
What is the acronym used for day VFR required equipment?
Which FAR section covers medical certificates (requirements and duration)?
What are the currency requirements for carrying passengers at night?
3 takeoffs and 3 landings to a full stop 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise - 61.57
What is the speed limit when operating underneath Class B airspace?
200 knots - 91.117
What is the minimum required fuel reserve for VFR flight during night?
Enough fuel to reach first intended point of landing plus 45 minutes at cruise - 91.151
What does the acronym AV1ATE stand for?
Annual inspection, VOR check, 100-hour inspection, Altimeter/Static-System inspection, Transponder inspection, ELT inspection - 91.409
Which FAR section covers aircraft speeds?
A private pilot wants to be reimbursed for flying a friend’s plane on a trip. Is this allowed?"
No, unless the pilot pays at least their pro-rata share of the expenses - 61.113
What are the minimum VFR flight visibility and cloud clearance requirements for Class B airspace?
3 statute miles and clear of clouds - 91.155
What is the minimum safe altitude for flying over a congested area?
1,000 feet above the highest obstacle, within 2,000 feet radius - 91.119
When must crew use supplemental oxygen (must list both altitudes)
Above 12,500 feet for more than 30 minutes and when above 14,000 feet - 91.211
Which FAR section covers basic VFR weather minimums?
When does a pilot need a type rating?
If weight is greater than 12,500 lbs, a turbo jet, or if the administrator requires one - 61.31
What is the cloud clearance requirement for Class C airspace?
1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, 2,000 feet horizontal from a cloud - 91.155
What specific information must a pilot review before a cross-country flight?
NOTAMS, weather reports and forecasts, known ATC delays, runway lengths, alternates, fuel requirements, takeoff and landing distances - 91.103
When must an ELT battery be recharged or replaced?
When in use for more than 1 cumulative hour or when 50% of their useful life has expired - 91.207
Which FAR section covers Private Pilot aeronautical experience?
How many total flight hours are required for a Private Pilot certificate?
40 hours - 61.109
What is the minimum visibility required for VFR flight in Class G airspace at night when flying at 3,500 feet?
3 statute miles - 91.155
If two aircraft of the same category are converging at the same altitude, who has the right-of-way?
The aircraft to the other's right has the right-of-way - 91.113
When is an aircraft required to have a transponder?
In Class A, B, and C airspace, within 30 NM of a Class B airport, and above 10,000 feet MSL - 91.215
Which FAR section covers aircraft inspections?