The geographic areas are we talking about in this chapter
What is Europe and Norway
The body of water surrounding a castle
What is a motte
The three "C"'s of this section
What is Kings, Conquers, and Crusades
Catholic ritual of telling sins to a priest
What is confession
A great sickness that wiped out much of Europe
What is the Black Death or Bubonic Plague
Popular event practiced by Knights
What is jousting
The knightly code
What is chivalry
Architecture unique to this time period (still exists in much of Europe today)
What is domes and mosaics
What is Gothic
Young woman who persuaded the French to take back their lands, French hero and Catholic saint
Who is Joan of Arc
The figures on our family tree (in order)
Who are Charles (the Hammer) Martel, Pepin, and Charlemagne
Name of a lower ranking noble
What is a vassal
Introduced to limit a kings power
What is the Magna Carta
Oxford and Cambridge
What are universities
A narrow inlet to the sea
What is a fjord
Meaning of "Magna Carta"
What is "great charter"
Catholic belief that the bread and wine change into the body and blood of Christ
What is transubstantiation
Lived in monasteries and served the Catholic Church
What are monks and nuns
Food that peasants ate
Two types of traveling courts
What is the grand jury and trial jury
Hate/racism for Jewish people
What is anti-semitism
King and Queen of Spain during this time
Who are Ferdinand and Isabella