- Reparation
- Welfare Capitalism
1. Payments to make up for damages caused by war
2. Policy of giving fringe benefits to employees
- Installment buying
- Deportation
- Nativism
1. Paying for an item over time in small payments
2. Removing an alien from one country and sending him or her to another country
3. Distrust of foreigners
In the 1920s American farmers were left out of the thriving economy because
Competition grew when European farmers returned to their fields.
Soldiers returning from WWI brought what disease back?
What was the Teapot Dome Scandal and who did it concern?
Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall accepted a bribe to allow oil drilling on federal land.
- Palmer Raids
- Kellog-Briand Pact
1. Deportation of suspected radicals
2. Agreement to reject war as a way of solving international disputes.
- Aliens
- Assembly line
1. Citizens of other countries living in the U.S.
2. A production system in which the item being built moves along a conveyor belt.
Goal of the National Origins Act of 1924
Reduce immigration for the U.S. from European countries.
Companies used welfare capitalism to encourage workers to
Reject unions and accept lower wages.
Why was Henry Ford able to build cars for the average American?
- Made cars simple and identical
- Studied manufacturing processes + hired experts
- Equipped factory with assembly lines
- Advertising
- Productivity
- Arms Race
1. Industry that helped created demand for goods
2. Increased rapidly because of assembly-line techniques
3. Buildup of weapons among nations
- A. Mitchell Palmer
- Anarchists
1. A key leader of the federal government’s anti-Communist campaign.
2. Radicals who sought the destruction of the government
Coined the term normalcy
Warren G. Harding
Sacco and Vanzetti were on trial for robbery, murder, and
political beliefs and ethnicity
At the Washington Naval Conference, the major naval powers agreed to
Cut back on the size of their navies
- Ku Klux Klan
- John L. Lewis
- Billy Mitchell
1. Group that targeted Jews, Catholics, and communists
2. Labor leader known for tough stands
3. Said the U.S. should increase its air power
Direct goal of Calvin Coolidge's policies was
Limiting government and supporting business
Reason Ford was able to build cars that the average American could afford
Equipped the factory with an assembly line
Lenin believed in the principle that
Everyone should share equally in society's wealth
Warren G. Harding campaign slogan
"Less government in business and more business in government."
- productivity
- Red Scare
- communism
1. A measure of output per unit of input such as labor
2. Widespread fear of communism
3. A system that has no economic classes and no private property.
In order to achieve his pro-business goals, Harding sought to
Reduce taxes on the wealthiest Americans
Labor leaders and nativists worked together to limit immigration from
Southern and Eastern Europe
New enemies after WWI
"Reds" and other radicals