
According to Genesis 2:2, God ended the work he had done on the ________.

A. Sixth day

B. Seventh day

C. First day

D. Day of Pentecost

B. Seventh day


What did God do on the seventh day according to Genesis 2:2?

A. Created man

B. Created woman

C. Rested

D. Named the animals

C. Rested


According to Genesis 2:3, what did God do in relation to the seventh day?

A. Called it the Sabbath

B. Blessed it and sanctified it

C. Called it the last day of the week

D. Made it a day of worship

B. Blessed it and sanctified it


According to Genesis 2:5, why were there no plants of the field at that time?

A. It had not rained and no man tilled the ground

B. The animals had eaten them all

C. The soil was too wet after dividing the waters

D. The ground was cursed

A. It had not rained and no man tilled the ground


According to Genesis 2:5, man's job was to _________.

A. Tame the animals

B. Build a house

C. Pick the fruit

D. Till the ground

D. Till the ground


According to Genesis 2:6, the earth was watered by _________.

A. A mist

B. A sprinkler system

C. Rain

D. A creek 

A. A mist


According to Genesis 2:7, the Lord formed man from ________.

A. A rib

B. Ashes

C. Dust

D. Sea water

C. Dust


According to Genesis 2:7, God breathed the breath of life into ______.

A. All living things

B. Man's nostrils

C. Man's mouth

D. All the animals

C. Man's mouth


According to Genesis 2:8, who planted a garden eastward in Eden?

A. Adam

B. Eve

C. Satan

D. The Lord God


According to Genesis 2:9, out of the ground the Lord made every tree grow that is 

A. Pleasant for sight and good for food

B. Near the river Euphrates

C. In the land of Cush

D. Fruitful and bears seed

A. Pleasant for sight and good for food


According to Genesis 2:8-9, what was in the Garden of Eden?

A. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil

B. The tree of life

C. Trees good for food

D. All of the above

D. All of the above


According to Genesis 2:10, the Garden of Eden was watered by _______. 

A. A mist

B. A fog

C. A river

D. Rain

C. A river


According to Genesis 2:10, the river from Eden parted into _______riverheads.

A. Five

B. Four

C. Three

D. Two

B. Four


According to Genesis 2:11, the first river Pishon skirts the whole land of Havilah which contains what mineral?

A. Silver

B. Copper

C. Gold

D. Iron

C. Gold

According to Genesis 2:14, the name of the fourth river is ________.

A. The Euphrates

B. The Jordan

C. The Pishon

D. The river of life

A. The Euphrates


According to Genesis 2:15, God put man in the Garden of Eden to ________.

A. Be fruitful and multiply

B. Water the garden

C. Kill the serpent

D. Tend and keep it

D. Tend and keep it


According to Genesis 2: 16-17, "Of every tree in the garden you may freely eat; but of the ________ you shall not eat."

A. Apple trees

B. Fruit trees

C. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil

D. Tree of life

C. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil


According to Genesis 2:17, if you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, what will happen?

A. You will get sick

B. You will be wise like God

C. You will be forgiven of sins

D. You will die

D. You will die


According to Genesis 2:18, God said, "It is not good for man to ________."

A. Be alone

B. Play with serpents

C. Have a wife

D. Eat apples

A. Be alone


According to Genesis 2:20, every beast of the field and bird of the air was named by ________________.

A. Eve

B. God

C. Adam

D. Angels

C. Adam


According to Genesis 2:20, for whom was there not found a helper?

A. Abel

B. God

C. Adam

D. Cain

C. Adam


According to Genesis 2:21, what did the Lord God cause to fall upon Adam?

A. A heavy rain

B. A big rock

C. A tree

D. A deep sleep

D. A deep sleep


What did God take from Adam in Genesis 2:21?

A. A rib

B. Two ribs

C. One kidney

D. A jaw bone

A. A rib


After the Lord God took out a rib from Adam, what did he do next according to Genesis 2:21?

A. Gave him pain medicine

B. Took out his appendix

C. Closed up his flesh

D. Put him back in the garden

C. Closed up his flesh


According to Genesis 2:22, how did woman get to man?

A. She walked to meet him

B. She ran to meet him

C. God brought her to him

D. An Angel brought her to him

C. God brought her to him
