What are harmful microorganisms called?
What is a Food allergen?
A protein in a food or ingredient that people are allergic to.
What is a food-borne illness?
An infection caused by contaminated foods or beverages.
Whats the A in ALERT?
What are the some symptoms of food borne illness?
Diarrhea, Vomiting, Fever, Nausea, Abdominal Cramps, and Jaundice
When delivering food what should you be cautious of?
Make sure none of the allergens touch the plate while serving.
What should you do when an outbreak happens?
You should notify the local regulatory authority.
What type of people try to contaminate food?
Terrorist, Activists, Vendors, Competition, and Disgruntled current, or Former staff.
What is it called when a food handler doesn't wash their hands and touches food?
fecal-oral routine
What are the BIG 8
Milk, Eggs, Soy, Fish, Peanuts, Wheat, Shellfish, and Tree nuts
How do you identify the outbreak?
Maintain a list of food handlers scheduled at the time of the suspected contamination.
What tool did the FDA create to develop a food defense program.
What is the analogy FAT TOM?
Food, Acidity, Temperature, Time, Oxygen, and Moisture
What are the common allergy symptoms?
Nausea, Wheezing, Swelling of body parts, Hives, Vomiting, Abdominal pain, and itchy throat
How should managers identify if standers are being met?
Reviewing food handler procedures.
What is ALERT?
Assure, Look, Employees, Reports, and Threat
What are the BIG 6?
Shigella spp, Salmonella Typhi, Nontyphoidal Salmonella (NTS), E.coil, Hepatitis A, and Norovirus
What is an example of cross-contact?
Letting food touch surfaces, equipment, or utensils that have touched Allergens.
What documents should you provide to the authorities?
Temperature logs, HACCP documents, and staff files
What type of attacks might to food?
Biological, chemical,or physical contaminants, and radioactive materials