This trait describes your tendency to relate to other people in a friendly way?
During this stage children start to plan their own activities.
Take initiative
When is self-esteem usually the highest?
Early childhood
Positive stress is called
During this stage of stress you body will go through the Fight-or-Flight response
The alarm stage
This trait describes hoe responsible and self disciplined you are?
As a teenager, your main challenge is a search for or a sense of self.
Search for identity
Why does self esteem go up during adulthood?
you are accomplishing your goals and adults can put things in proper perspective.
During this stage your body adapts to the continued presence of the stressor?
The resistance stage
People who are open to new experiences tend to be curious, imaginative, and creative?
openness to experiences
establish intimacy
Why does self-esteem take a dive towards the end of life?
Because the end is near
An event or situation that causes stress is called?
Your body can no longer keep up with the demands placed on it
The exhaustion stage
This trait describes how much you like being with other people?
This stage us when young children learn to do thing on their own
Learn to be independent.
The process by which people achieve their full potential?
The ability to recover and bounce back from extreme or prolonged stress?
is the tendency to focus on the positive aspect of the situation.
People who are tend to be relaxed, secure, and calm even during difficult situations
emotional stability
During this stage children learn skills they will need as an adult.
Develop skills
What are the 5 hierarchy of need?
1) physical needs
2) safety
3) belonging
4) esteem
5) self actualization
What are the four types of stressors?
1) Major life changes
2) Catastrophes
3) everyday problems
4) Environmental problems
is the tendency to focus on the negative and expect the worst.