Word Up Bruh!
AQUAMANNNN!!!!...well, men. Aquamen.
Side Characters
Mark Your Calendar
A Random Category About... Random Stuff

I GET SO MAD SOMETIMES! I JUST, I JUST, I JUSTTTTTTTT KAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Woooooh.... Sometimes when I'm mad, I destroy things. It's ok. I have some money. What word did we learn this chapter means to destroy?



I am the King! I am a God! I am responsible for finding many of the lands you students and ancestors come from! If it wasn't for me, the world would be a boring place! Hope you like the West Indies! What is my name?

Christopher Columbus.


We are the the people who gave the world the magnetic compass and gunpowder. Who are we?

The Chinese.


Columbus started his journey in 1492. How many years did he sail for Spain in total?

8 years.


I'm pretty important, but I'm not a tool either. I'm not even a real thing! I'm imaginary to the naked eye, but if you're looking at the map on page 44 in your textbook you'll know exactly what I am! I am a trade route that runs from Europe and Asia? What is the name of the trade route?

Silk Road.


I'M ON A BOAT! I'M ON A BOAT! I mean, it's a little small, has weird triangular sails and there isn't much room on here, but... these are better than nothing for the time they came out. What do we call these ships?



We are a country! We are pioneers... no pun intended, of modern day sea travel. Granted many don't explore anymore, however, when they did, we sent out many sailors and explorers to explore the world. What country are we?



I don't know why I'm a side character. I am probably one of, if not, THE most important person to modern-day exploration and sea travel. Sure I never became super royal like my dad, but I did make a school, and that's cool right? People love school... right? RIGHT?! I guess not. Anyhoot, who am I?

Prince Henry.


What year did the Vikings set sail around?

The year 800.


What is the name of the fictional object in Florida discovered and who was said to have found it?

Fountain of Youth. Juan Ponce de Leon.


We had one of me back in 2020! I am the quick spread of a disease and I affect many people! What is the word that defines me?



I am an explorer. I am from the beautiful country of Spain. I am Spanish... because I'm from Spain. I sailed far and wide and even established a Spanish settlement in what is now Puerto Rico. I wanted wealth, I mean hey, we all did, even the guy I sailed with on his second of four journeys. What is my name?

Juan Ponce de Leon.


We are rrrrrroyalty. We the ones! We are the ones that ruled Spain and that Christopher Columbo, or whatever his name is, the funds to go to India to preach our religion and good name of our country. Sureeeee we may or may not wanted riches and spices and stuff, but what we really want you to do is tell us our names. Who are the King and Queen of Spain?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.


What year did they say Leif Erikson find part of Canada?



Spain sent people to North America to set up missions. What is a mission?

A task relating to religion. The work of "God."


I am a chill person. You need me to sell you something, I'm your guy! What do you call people like me who buy and sell goods?



Hi, I'm dead. We all are in this category of course, but we are trying our best. The others don't have anything on me! I am the most expert navigator of them all! I sailed for Spain! I am a follower as I followed Columbus, but I made it farther than him! I would have been the greatest explorer of them all, butttt... I died in the Philippines in battle. What is my name? 

Ferdinand Magellan. 


We are the people who gave the world of navigation the astrolabe. Who are we?

North Africa.


In what year did plantations start using Africans to work their plantations?



We spoke about me, briefly. I am a big historical figure! I lead the greatest empire of them all! The ROMANS answered to me! The man with a horrible haircut, a mid pizza chain named after me, as well as a salad! What is my great name?

Julius Casear.


We are Fox Sports! Just kidding. We are a group of people. A group of groups of people. We are a group of nations or people that are ruled by a single group or leader. What do you call this group?

An empire.


I am a Viking! Proud of it! I found part of what is modern-day Canada. From Scandinavia and even had a famous dad! What is the names of these dynamic duo vikings?

Leif Erikson and Erik the Red.

We are always getting bullied. We get called names. From Indigenous people, to Native Americans, to the stereotypical name, Indians. However, there is a word the Spanish men came and called us. What is the name they gave us? It isn't a group name, it is a single name. What are we?



In about what year did Prince Henry open his navigational/mapmaking school?



I am another tool. I promise you this category is not just tools. Besides, there are only a couple in this category. Not only do I provide latitude at sea, butttt... I also tell you latitude at sea at an exact measurement of time. What am I?



I'm a nice guy, like really really nice! I'm a person who gives money to support to support another person or cause. What do you call people like me?



I too am very well traveled! I'm Spanish too. I worked on my tan as I hit Florida with my friends! I have a lot. 700 to be exact! Did we fit all on one ship? Psh, seriously?! What you think we took a Carnival cruise ship there? You're funny! We took 10 ships, my 700 friends and I. We hit Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and some other Southern States. Who am I?

Hernando de Soto.


I'm not really a side character. I'm pretty important. I was minding my own business and then some random dude from Spain came to my land. Sure this guy seemed pretty cool, but then he started taking advantage of my people and I. Even more so, he took me prisoner!! Can you believe that?! Psh! Who am I?



Which two sailors sailed in the same year and what year did they sail?

Cortes and Magellan.


I am a tool. You use me... well, kinda sorta. I was a tool. I'm not used anymore. I'm probably collecting dirt in your grandma's attic or in a thrift shop or your moms' friend Nancy's garage sale next month. (Sigh) Butttt, when I was important I helped people tell latitude and longitude at sea. What was the name or me?

A Sextant.
