Where is the Broca's area located? What does it do?
What is Left hemisphere of the Frontal lobe - muscles in speech
This happens when a message goes to the spinal cord but bypasses the brain
What is a reflex
This is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that controls motor movement. Overabundance is associated with what disorder?
What is DOPAMINE - Schizophrenia
Sensory nuerons are also called ________. What is their function?
What is Afferent - take infromation from the senses to the brain
Where is the sensory cortex, motor cortex and visual cortex?
Sensory - parietal lobe
Motor - frontal
Visual - occipital
Where is Wernicke's area located? What does it do?
Temporal Lobe - interprets written and spoken speech - affects our ability to understand language
What mobilizes our body to respond to stress? Give 3 examples?
What is the Sympathetic Nervous System - increases heart rate, respiration, inhibits genitals & digestion, relaxes bladder, dilates pupils ....
This Neurotransmitter is important for psychological arousal, mood changes, sleep and learning. What disorder is it associated with?
What is NOREPINEPHRINE - Bipolar
Explain resting potential, Action potential and refractory period.
Cell is at resting potential with a negative charge. Inflow of positive ions is the action potential. After it has fired there is a period when no further action potentials can fire.
What are the 2 ways to study the brain that shows the function of the brain?