Essential to the liturgy
What is beauty?
This person (who was an apostle) appointed successors who are now known as
What are Bishops
Most important moment in the liturgy
Transsubstanitation aka when the priest takes earthy things and transforms it into heavenly things
The first Pope
Who was Saint Peter?
What is the difference between liturgy and ritual?
What is manmade vs from God?
Jesus had ___ Apostles
What is 12
True or False: Jesus talks about the Last Supper which is where he also instituted the Eucharist and the priesthood
What is true
Saint Mark was Jesus’s best friend
What is False
Mass is not
What is a competition?
What is divine filiation
The Mass is described as a ___ between Jesus and the Church
What is a marriage feast
Bishops are called to do multiple things
What is to preach repentance, forgive sins, and to guard the liturgy?
What is stops?
Jesus lived what type of life?
What is a normal life
The mass is a proclamation of
What is the kingdom of God?
The Church is a symbol of
What is Noah’s Ark
___ and ____ meet in the liturgy
What is Heaven and Earth?
Jesus talks about 2 parables
What is the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds and what is the Parable of the Mustard Seed?
Jesus talks about the liturgy in ___ specific moments
What is 3?
A martyr is someone who
What is dies for their faith?