Way Down South
Pilgrims and Puritans and Separatists OH MY!
Meet me in the Middle Colonies
Were you really paying attention?

This cash crop allowed early southern colonies to survive and become prosperous

What is tobacco?


Puritan society often had a high degree of literacy due to its strong emphasis on reading this book

What is the Bible?


Named after the area in England where the founder was born, this colony was a part of New York before being given to the Duke's buddies.

What is New Jersey?


While they publicly deny it, this grain/video games/weapons company's mascot looks suspiciously similar to the founder of a prominent Middle Colony.

What is Quaker Oats?


This daughter of a Powhatan chief was also the main character of a historically inaccurate Disney movie

Who is Pocohontas?

The Pilgrims founded the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies in an attempt to escape this.

What is persecution?


This small colony featured a large Swedish population.

What is Delaware?


This Native American tribe's uneasy alliance with the settlers of New England would, centuries later, become the basis for the American holiday of Thanksgiving.

Who are the Wampanoags?

Maryland was unique among the colonies in that it was home to many followers of this religion

What is Catholicism?


This Puritan minister, often called the "Father of American Democracy," broke off from Massachusetts due to a belief that all men should be able to vote

Who was Thomas Hooker?


This Dutch colony was very diverse and had an economy built on trade, even after it was forcibly taken over by the English and became New York.

What is New Netherland/New Amsterdam?

Concerned primarily with locations and places, this field of study is often used to divide the colonies into regions.

What is geography?


Named after the King of England at the time, this city in Virginia was the first successful English colony in the Americas.

What is Jamestown?


Roger Williams started this colony after being banished by Massachusetts officials for challenging Puritan beliefs.

What is Rhode Island?


This Quaker man was given a colony by the king as payment on a debt, and would ultimately help turn it into one of the more diverse and tolerant societies in the colonies.

Who was William Penn?


The Navigation Acts strengthened the English policy of mercantilism by placing these on Colonial trade.

What are taxes/restrictions?


This incident in Virginia led to a decrease in indentured servitude, and an increased reliance on slavery

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


This type of government was common in many colonies, including Virginia's House of Burgesses and Massachusetts' town meetings.

What is democracy/representative democracy/representative government?


In addition to New York's successful trade business, the geography and climate of the middle colonies allowed them to build successful economies in this area.

What is agriculture (grain/wheat/barley)?


This religious group, wrongfully blamed for the death of Christ, established a sizeable population in Colonial New York

What is Judaism?


While he appreciates its high quality, Mr. Myers believes that this piece of cinematic art is a bit too mature for 8th graders.

What is "Breaking Bad"?
