During this point in the mass time stops
What is transubstantiation?
The study of symbols is also known as _______
What is symbolism?
The people Peter appointed to be his successor
What are bishops?
People don’t die for something that’s ______
What is untrue?
The apostle became the first pope
Who is Peter?
The two things that meet during mass
What is heaven meeting earth?
A person who dies for their faith
What is a martyr?
The manliest vocation
What is priesthood
This stops during the transubstantiation
What is time?
The priesthood is considered a location because
What is a calling from God?
The fancy way of saying Jesus was born as a baby
What’s the incarnation?
When the bread and wine becomes Jesus‘s body and blood is called ______
Where is transubstantiation?
What is the Old Testament is revealed in _____
What is the New Testament?
The liturgy is a ___
What is a supernatural event?
The person that leads the mass
What is a priest?
The mass shifts are focused from earthly things to ______ to
What is supernatural?
The people that died for their religion believe in the _____
What is truth?
The liturgy is a part of this larger event in the church
Where is the mass?
The phrase that describes how the New Testament connects to the Old Testament
What is “ the New Testament is concealed in the old, and the old is revealed in the new”?
The liturgy is not a competition, but rather this act
What is the sacrifice of Jesus?
In the liturgy, what do we do instead of compete
What is worship?
This word means “ to make holy”
What is consecration?
The time when heaven meets earth
What is the liturgy?
Having relief in something without meaning, physical proof is called ____
What is faith?
The only noise that happens during the transubstantiation
What is ringing of bells?