How many apostles did Jesus have?
What is 12 apostles
Is Mass a competition?
What is No
What does Protoevangelium mean?
How long was Jesus’ hidden life?
What is 30 years
Definition of Typology?
What is the study of symbols that connects the Old and New Testaments
True or False: Jesus does appoint disciples?
What is False
True or False: Beauty is essential to the liturgy?
What is True
What do you call people who die for religion?
What is a Martyr?
Who was Jesus’ best friend?
Who is Peter
How is Jesus reffered to as?
Who is the New Adam
What is Divine Filiation?
What is acquiring all the perks of an apostle without actually being an apostle
What is the most important part of the Mass?
What is Trans-Substantiation
What is Mass?
What is a wedding between the Church and Jesus/The Wedding Feast
What is the purpose of everything Jesus said?
What is to Proclaim the Kingdom of God
How is Mary referred to as?
Who is the New Eve
What is the definition of Divine Filiation?
What is acquiring the perks of an Apostle without actually being an Apostle
What is the definition of Trans-Substantiation?
What is turning Earthly things into Divine things.
What are Bishops?
Who is people who are appointed by Peter as his successors
When does Jesus talk about the liturgy?
When is the feeding of the 5,000, The Last Supper, and The Meal at Amaes
What does Noah’s Ark represent?
What is a vessel to save people