A way of life shared by a group of people, including their beliefs and customs.
What is culture?
Because CA Indians were able to modify their environment they didn't have to do this.
What is travel far in search of food?
True or false: All CA Indian groups wore similar clothing.
What is false?
Parents were responsible for providing this to the group.
What is food?
True or false: CA Indians often fought over resources.
What is false?
small communities
What is a village?
In general, this many people lived in each village.
What is a few hundred?
This CA Indian group wore long shirts, two-piece aprons, deerskin leggings, and caps to protect them from the cold.
Who are the Shasta?
Any one of these people were responsible for raising the children.
Who were grandparents, aunts and uncles?
Family and village relationships were the most important structure of people's lives. However, some tribes were led by this person.`
What is a chief?
A person who lives in a particular place
What is an inhabitant?
True or false: CA Indians traveled far to get the materials they need for their houses.
What is false?
This CA Indian group, who lived further south, wore skirts made of rabbit skin, reeds, or grasses or a deerskin skirt tied around their waist.
Who are the Yokut?
These people were believed to have special powers.
Who are shamans?
True or false: The Yurok has laws and rules.
What is true?
Men and women in California Indian cultures who are believed to have special religious powers
What is a shaman?
The Hupa, who lived in cooler Northern areas, built redwood houses that could hold up to this many people.
What is 50?
In addition to leaving baskets and other tools and crafts behind them, CA Indians often left these on cave walls.
What are cave paintings?
Shamans were responsible for any one of these jobs.
What is performing ceremonies, dealing with the world of spirits, tending to the sick, predicting the future, or giving advice.
The traditional way of life ended for California Indians when this group of people arrived.
Who are the Europeans?
What is spiritual?
Many CA Indians groups had a building called this, which was a spiritual place where rituals might be performed and a center for social life.
What is a sweathouse?
This CA Indian tribe, who lived in Santa Barbara, was famous for its cave paintings and petroglyphs.
Who are the Chumash?
The Gabrielino honored these two things every fall.
What are birth and death?
California has the largest population of American Indians. Some live in a special area called this.
What is a reservation (or rancheria)?