Short term goals are those goals that can generally be completed within one _______ or less.

A. day

B. year

C. month

D. week

 B. year

P. 27


Which of the following is one of the recommended strategies for effectively managing your time?

A. make effective time management  habit

B. do not schedule free time into your day because free time is a waste of time

C. always work as hard as possible, even if it means neglecting physical activity

D. plan your commitments around leisure time. 

A. make effective time management  habit

P. 30


Self-esteem is based on inner strength and begins with trusting your ability to _______.

A. communicate with others

B. achieve set goals

C. become popular

D. handle clients effectively 

B. achieve set goals

P. 23


To achieve success, it is important to make a conscious effort to _______ everyone

A. respect

B. criticize

C. admire

D. believe in

A. respect

P. 24


Which of the following blocks the creative mind form exploring ideas and discovering solutions to challenges?

A. Criticism

B. Motivation

C. Familial support

D. Enthusiasm 

A. Criticism

P. 24


Which of these terms refers to the moral principles by which we live and work?

A. equality

B. emotions

C. ethics

D. justice

C. ethics 

P. 32


Effective communication is improved through practicing nonverbal and verbal skills, as well as _______.

A. having a warm smile

B. active listening

C. talking softly

D. speaking loudly

B. active listening

P. 34


An unhealthy compulsion to do things perfectly is called _______

A. punctuality

B. procrastination

C. professionalism

D. perfectionism 

D. perfectionism

P. 24


Three bad habits that can keep you from maintaining peak performance includes not having a game plan, seeking perfectionism, and _______.

A. failing to prioritize

B. annual planning

C. procrastination

D. making mistakes

C. procrastination

P. 24


How long should your perisomal mission statement be?

A. A brief summary

B. One or two paragraphs

C. One or two sentences

D. One or two pages

C. One or two sentences

P. 25


The ability to deal with difficult circumstances comes from having _______.

A. well developed life skills

B. specific career goals

C. a fine-tuned smile

D. a strong family unit 

A. well developed life skills

P. 22


In order to be diplomatic, you should be assertive rather than _______.

A. aggressive

B. intelligent

C. sensitive

D. considerate 

A. aggressive

P. 33


The conscious act of planning your life, instead of just letting things happen is described as having _______

A. ambition

B. a game plan

C. goals

D. dreams

B. a game plan

P. 24


One Action Step for Success suggests that you practice doing whatever helps you maintain _______.

A. an elevated ego

B. a positive self-image

C. a comfortable demeanor

D. a friendly approach 

B. a positive self-image

P. 23


When setting feasible goals, it is important to _______

A. lock into a ridged plan

B. create a plan and revise it often

C. avoid frequent changes to the plan

D. focus on what feels good today

B. create a plan and revise it often

P. 27


All of the following are reasons why cosmetologists should study and have a thorough understanding of life skills except: _______.

A. having good life skills eliminates the need for self-esteem

B. well developed life skills will help you deal with difficult circumstances

C. practicing good life skills leads to a more satisfying and productive career

D. life skills help you keep interactions with clients positive

A. having good life skills eliminates the need for self-esteem 

P. 22


It is recommended that you study during blocks of time that would otherwise be wasted, such as while _______.

A. getting sufficient rest

B. practicing new skills

C. listening to your instructor

D. waiting in the doctor's office

D. waiting in the doctor's office

P. 31


_______ or negative thoughts can be counterproductive and work against your ability to succeed.

A. Unsure behavior

B. Vigorous exercise

C. Self-critical

D. Frequent naps

C. Self-critical

P. 23


Procrastination may be a symptom of _______

A. lacking a game plan

B. taking on too much at one time

C. a compulsion for perfection

D. exceptional organization

B. taking on too much at one time

P. 24


When you ensure your behavior and actions are aligned with your values, you maintain your _______

A. self-image

B. ethics

C. motivation

D. integrity

D. integrity

P. 32


Which of the following is one of the Action Steps for Success?

A. always strive to meet your salon manager's definition of success

B. show respect only for those people who can help you in your career

C. never practice new behaviors

D. keep your personal life separate from your work

D. keep your personal life separate from your work

P. 23


When we pay attention to our _______, we can learn how to manage our time efficiently. 

A. insecurities

B. cravings

C. inner organizer

D. feelings of guilt 

C. inner organizer



Putting off until tomorrow what you can do today is called _______

A. time management

B. procrastination

C. perfectionism

D. scheduling

B. procrastination

P. 24


_______ involves fulfilling one's full potential

A. Self-indulgence

B. Personal desires

C. Self-management

D. Self-actualization

D. Self-actualization

P. 23


Motivation and self-_______ skills will help you move to the next level in your career.

A. esteem

B. centeredness

C. involvement

D. management

D. management

P. 24
