What is the success strategy where you imagine yourself working in your dream salon?
Prioritizing is when you make a list of tasks to be completed in what order?
Most to least important
Where is Mrs. Deb from?
A combination of understanding, empathy, and acceptance is called what?
What is it called when you are talking about yourself and others at work in the salon?
Personally counterproductive
What is the inner desire that instinctively propels you to do something?
What is a talent/unlimited inner resource of ideas/solutions?
RECALL QUESTION: Ancient Egyptians were the first civilization to infuse essential oils from what?
How many sons does Ms. Audry have?
What is Ms. Taylor's coffee order?
Venti Vanilla latte with extra pump vanilla & 3 pumps cinnamon dolce
Extra hot
A symptom of taking on too much, which in the end, is a symptom of fault organization, is what?
Professionals who have an easy time talking about themselves and listening to others have developed a great sense of:
Communication skills
What is the unhealthy compulsion to always do things perfectly?
What is an essential part of a business plan?
Mission Statement
True/False: Ms. Leslie used to own the building that Ms. Taylor currently works in.
What does the combination of exercise and recreation stimulate?
Clear thinking/planning
What is a well thought-out process for career success?
You need to remember to ___, if you are going to stay on track with established goals.
Re-examine often
What are the two basic goal-setting techniques?
Long term/Short term
What do you call principles that include: good character, proper conduct, moral judgement and human relations?