A(n) ________ is a push or a pull a. newton c. force b. acceleration d. momentum
c. force
_______ is the rubbing force that acts against motion between two touching surfaces. a. Acceleration c. Momentum b. Normal force d. Friction
d. Friction
The gravitation force of any object near Earth’s surface is __________. a. unknown c. Newton’s first law b. friction d. 9.8m/s2
d. 9.8m/s2
The amount of ________________ in an object is called mass.
Why does friction never speed up an object?
Friction will never speed up an object because it always opposes motion.
A ________ force is the total force felt by an object. a. sum c. strong b. net d. balanced
b. net
________ allows you to ride a bike without skidding and falling. a. Static Friction c. Rolling Friction b. Sliding Friction d. Gravity
c. Rolling Friction
The force of ___________ exists between any two objects that have mass. a. gravity c. weight b. acceleration d. free fall
a. gravity
The point in an object that moves as if all the object’s mass were concentrated at that point is called ________________________________.
center of mass
A marble is lying in the middle of the floor. Define Newton’s first law of motion and use it to describe what will happen to the marble.
Newton’s first law states that “an object at rest will remain at rest until a net force acts on it”; therefore, the marble will remain in the middle of the floor until a net force is applied to it.
In order to be ________ forces, their effects must cancel each other out and not cause a change in an object’s motion. a. balanced c. weak b. strong d. normal
a. balanced
Applying brakes uses _______ to slow a vehicle down. a. static friction c. rolling friction b. sliding friction d. gravity
b. sliding friction
Newton’s third law explains ______ forces. a. primary and secondary c. kinetic and potential b. action and reaction d. balanced
b. action and reaction
___________________________ occurs when an object changes speed, changes direction, or changes both speed and direction.
A broom strikes the marble while you are sweeping. Define Newton’s second law of motion and use it to describe what happens to the marble.
Newton’s second law of motion states “an object acted upon by a force will accelerate in teh direction of the force”. The marble will accelerate in the direction of the force that the broom applied to it.
If the forces acting on an object are unbalanced, then the object will _________. a. stop c. slow down b. speed up d. accelerate
d. accelerate
The maximum speed an object reaches when the force of gravity is balanced by the force of air resistance is called _______. a. acceleration c. terminal velocity b. balanced velocity d. free fall
c. terminal velocity
You are riding on a bike. In which of the following situations are the forces acting on the bike balanced? a. You pedal to speed up c. You coast to slow down b. You turn at constant speed d. You pedal straight at constant speed
d. You pedal straight at constant speed
_______________ is the gravitational force on an object’s mass.
Define Newton’s third law of motion and use it to describe what interaction there is between the marble and the broom.
Newton’s third law of motion states that “for every action there is an equal (size) but opposite (direction) reaction. When the broom pushes the marble, the marble pushes the broom with the same amount of force but in the opposite direction.
Newton’s first law of motion states that an object at rest or moving at a constant speed will continue to do so until a(n) ______ acts on it. a. inertia c. momentum b. force d. pull
b. force
You hit a wall with a stick. The equal but opposite reaction is ________. a. the wall pushes against you c. you push against the stick b. the stuck pushes against you d. the wall pushes against the stick
d. the wall pushes against the stick
This is the strongest type of friction that prevents an object from moving when a force is applied is ______________ friction.
A ___________ is the the SI unit of force.
If action and reaction force pairs are equal and opposite, how can anything move? Give an example of equal and opposite force pairs.
Action and reaction force pairs do not cancel because they do not act on the same object, instead, they act on each other. An example of an equal and opposite force pair is jumping off the ground. When you jump, you exert a force downward on the ground, and the groud exerts an equal force but in the opposite direction (upward).