Data Collection Method
Types of Studies

Daniella wanted to see how an IV affects a DV in two different production teams. She is unable to randomly assign groups, however Daniella noticed that the age is higher than one group vs the other production group. She is using age for statistical control. Using age in this scenario is called what?



What is Content Validity?

Consistency between the test items or problems and kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job.

Is the assessment content and composition appropriate given what is being measured?


Daniella is hired to help Coldwell Banker. The company has five different groups and they have the same amount of employees in each group. She wants to make sure that the information is precise and that there is representativeness in the sample. What type of sampling can Daniella do to ensure that each group is represented?

Stratified Random Sampling


Daniella is hired to help Coldwell Banker. She goes during their corporate meetings and takes notes of what she sees taking place during the meeting.  People notice her and speak up more than they normally would. What are things Daniella can do to avoid reactivity?

Two Items


Daniella has finally collected survey data from the employees at Coldwell Banker. She was able to assess the covariation among the variables, but she doesn’t know which variable causes the other. How can Daniella adjust the design to make it more amendable for causality?

Make it a Longitudinal Design


Daniella had passed out a survey to Coldwell banker. She feels that the results were impacted by social desirability responding. She wants to empirically assess the potential impact of common variance. She decides to do a Meta-Analysis Study. Which of the following defines a Meta-Analysis Study?

examination of data from a number of independent studies of the same subject, in order to determine overall trends.


What is Construct Validity?

The degree to which a test measures what it claims (or purports) to be measuring

Deals with whether the assessment is measuring the correct construct (trait/attribute/ability/skill)


Daniella is hired to help Coldwell Banker. The Company has ten groups teams that do the same things, but for different clients. They are also located very far away from each other. Daniella wants to randomly select some groups for her face-to-face interviews. What type of sampling can Daniella to achieve her goals?

Cluster Sampling


Daniella is hired to help Coldwell Banker. She goes during their corporate meetings and takes notes of what she sees taking place during the meeting. She has now collected her data.What are cons of this collection method (observation) (4 items)?

Labor intensive

Time Consuming

 Subject to Bias

 Hard to Make Sense Out of the Notes


Daniella decided she wanted to do an ESM study (Experience Sampling Methodology) to make her survey design more amendable for causality.  She collects data over a limited period of time (2 weeks). She is able to collect data during multiple points. This is also helpful because Daniella is able to assess with-in person changes over a short period of time. What are some cons to using this method?

Making participants comply with collection requirements

Potential for reactivity


Daniella had performed an experiment. However, she made some mistakes and had wrongfully concluded that there was a relationship between two variables. What type of error did Daniella do?

Type 1--(Falsley rejected null hypothesis when a true difference does not exist).


What is Discriminant Validity? 

Measure of the lack of association among constructs that are supposed to be different

The degree to which a construct measure "diverges" from other measures that should be measuring different things.

Tests that constructs that should have no relationship, do in fact not have any relationship


Daniella is hired to help Coldwell Banker. The Company has ten groups teams that do the same things, but for different clients. They are also located very far away from each other. Daniella wants to randomly select some groups for her face-to-face interviews. What is a pro of this type of sampling (two items)?

Cut down and travel time and expenses


Daniella wanted to do research on SHRM, so she became a member. She wanted to see how first year I/O’s transitioned into more developed professionals and the training process. While it is useful to collect data in this manner there are some potential cons. What are the cons of this data collection method (Participant Observation-- 2 items)?

 May Change Phenomenon under Investigation

 Lose Objectivity


Daniella wanted to find out how effective Coldwell Banker’s production training programs were. She is able to identify the independent variable, but she is not able to randomly assign people to the training condition. What would we call this scenario?

A Quasi-Experiment


Statistical Power is affected by these three factors

Sample Size

Effect Size

Alpha Level


What is Predictive Validity?

The extent which a score on a scale or test predicts score on criterion measure. Example: college admissions test scores predict college grade point average.


Daniella tries to do a face-to-face survey, but only gets a lousy 10 percent of feedback. Some employees were unable to answer due to their schedules. Some people were worried their responses would not be confidential. Which of the following could Daniella do to get a higher response rate (3 items)?

Mailing questionnaires

Questionnaire via telephone

Sending a survey via internet


Daniella is hired to help Coldwell Banker. She has requested to see the employee records to see the employee turnover rate. What are pros to this method of collecting data (Archival Data--3 items)?

Many Archival Data Sets are readily available to the public and on the internet

It is non-reactive data so there is no chance for participants to distort the responses in any way

Records are less distorted than self-reports of the same behavior


Which of the following are characteristics to distinguish a true experiment from other methods (3 items)?

Manipulation of an Independent Variable and measurement of a dependent variable

Random assignment to experimental conditions

Maximum control by the experimenter


What is a Statistical Artifact?

Factors that may lead to differences between studies are controlled for. For example, Sample size and unreliability need to be statistically weighted.


What is Validity?

How confident we can be that the observed DV is a result of the IV alone.


What is experience sampling?

Researchers collect data at multiple points in time during a limited time frame


Daniella is hired to help Coldwell Banker. Daniella has requested to see the employee records to see the employee turnover rate. What are cons to this method of collecting data (Archival data- 3 items)?

Only covers the interest of the researcher that created the data

Easy to make inferences on the data that might not be true

Data may not be accurate


Daniella wanted to find out how napping during lunch effects productivity. She randomly selects people at Coldwell Banker to be in the sleep condition and the non-sleep condition and gave both employee groups some tasks to see who was able to complete it in a shorter amount of time (after lunch). What is the independent variables, dependent variables and control in this experiment?

IV: Sleep and Non-Sleep Conditions

DV: A. Measuring how long the employees completed the tasks

Controls/Constant: A. Time of lunch and time to complete the tasks
