Which of the 12 apostles would Jesus choose to become the first
Who is Peter
What is essential to the liturgy
Jesus lived a ___ life
The study of symbols
What is Typology
Where does god send jesus in history?
What is ”Fullness of time”
The mass is a wedding, also known as the “____ ______” between Christ and his
Bride, the ________
What is Mystical Marriage and Church
Jesus’ central message for his life, all of his actions, were to proclaim the ________?
What is the kingdom of god
Why do we say that heaven and earth meet in the liturgy?
What is The liturgy unites heaven and earth in worship.
What are the three specific examples in which Jesus talks about the Liturgy?
What is the Last Supper, Bread of Life Discourse,Emmaus
What are the three main jobs of these successors?
What is teach, govern ,and sanctify
Where does the Church get this idea of bishops, cardinals, etc. and successors?
What is Scripture and tradition
List some examples of Typology from your notes and explain what they mean and
how we get that connection
Who is New adam(Jesus), New eve(Mary),Passover lamb(Eucharist)
The central theme of Jesus' preaching was....
What is Proclaiming the Kingdom of God: what it is and how to live in it
What is the most important moment in the Liturgy?n
What is consecration
Who did Jesus trust the most to leave the secret of the liturgy to? Aka his best
Who is John
What did St. Augustine write that helps us understand typology especially when it
comes to the Old and New Testament?
What is "The New is hidden in the Old, and the Old is revealed in the New."
Define :Disciples
who is men and women of all ages and backgrounds who followed Jesus’ teachings
What is divine filiation, and when do we get it?
What is Divine sonship-we become God's children at Baptism.
Explain the difference between a disciple and an apostle
What is Disciples follow Jesus; Apostles are chosen and sent to lead.
What happens during the Transubstantiation, and how does it relate to the human
construct of time?
What is Bread and wine become Christ's Body& Blood.