Multiple Choice 1
  1. A ___________________ gives money to support another person or cause. 

    A. Empire

    B. Patron

    C. Conquistador 

    D. Epidemic

    B. Patron

  1. What boat would have been best for a long expedition across an ocean in the 1400s?





Boat C


"As soon as I arrived in the Indies, on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever there is in these parts."

—Christopher Columbus, 1493

Which part of the excerpt shows the negative treatment of American Indians at the hands of European explorers?

  • A. "As soon as I arrived in the Indies . . ."

  • B. ". . . on the first island which I found . . ."

  • C. ". . . I took some of the natives by force . . ."

  • D. ". . . in order that they . . . might give me information . . ."

C. ". . . I took some of the natives by force . . ."

  1. What was the main goal of Prince Henry’s navigation school?

  • A. to start a colony there

  • B. to establish the slave trade

  • C. to build a navy and start a war

  • D. to find and control trade routes

D. to find and control trade routes


Which statement does the timeline support?

  • A. Leif Ericcson opened trade routes to North America.

  • B. Explorers traveled the same routes for safety.

  • C. Shipbuilding improved in the fifteenth century.

  • D. Prince Henry started the age of exploration.

  • C. Shipbuilding improved in the fifteenth century.


As soon as I arrived in the Indies, on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever there is in these parts.

                                -Christopher Columbus, 1493

We now know that Columbus was in the Caribbean when he wrote this. Why does he call the islands “the Indies”?

Columbus sailed west to find a sea route to India. After his long journey, he thought his expedition had reached India. He called the islands “the Indies” and the people there Indians. In fact, he had only reached the America's. India was still half a world away.

  1. A ______________________ is a journey or voyage.

    A. Empire

    B. Expedition

    C. Colony

    D. Epidemic

  B. Expedition

  1. Look at the picture. Then answer the question.

What negative effect of the Columbian Exchange is shown here?

  • A. war

  • B. trade

  • C. slavery

  • D. disease

D. disease


Explain a positive outcome of the Columbian Exchange that we can see today. 

Cultures were exchanged between different groups. Today there is a greater diversity as a result. Eventually, the flow of goods and people across the ocean led to the large immigrations of people that formed the United States.

  1. How is a colony different from an empire?

  • A. A colony is made up of a group of smaller empires.

  • B. Colonies have stronger governments than empires.

  • C. A colony is a settlement or area far from the country that rules it.

  • D. Two colonies become an empire once they agree to trade goods.

C. A colony is a settlement or area far from the country that rules it.






Which statement makes the best argument for what boat would be best for a long expedition?

  • A. The boat labeled A is small and is helpful for exploring rivers by the shore.

  • B. The boat labeled B has a large, square sail and oars that give it two sources of power.

  • C. The boat labeled C has room to store supplies and different-shaped sails to use the wind better.

  • D. The boat labeled D has oars and would be needed for sailors to go from the main ship to shore.

C. The boat labeled C has room to store supplies and different-shaped sails to use the wind better.

  1. Rearrange the names of these European explorers and conquistadors in the order they made their journeys. Place the earliest name at the top and the most recent name at the bottom. 

Word Bank: Columbus, Coronado, Dias, Cortes





  1. Which statement best defines the Columbian Exchange?

  • A. the trade of goods and ideas between Europeans, Africans, and American Indians

  • B. the passing of germs from Europeans to American Indians that resulted in epidemics

  • C. a slave trade between Europeans and Africans that financed Columbus's voyages

  • D. the passage of European officials across the Atlantic to fill new positions in colonial governments

  • A. the trade of goods and ideas between Europeans, Africans, and American Indians

  1. Look at the graphic organizer. Then answer the question.

Which was the cause of the effect in the graphic organizer?

  • A. Spain wanted to create jobs.

  • B. Spain needed money to pay for wars.

  • C. Spain wanted to move its government.

  • D. Spain needed to defend itself from American Indians.

B. Spain needed money to pay for wars.


How does this image relate to the way money motivated Columbus during his journey?

The picture depicts Columbus and his crew as heroes. There are large crowds gathered to wish them good luck. It also shows the importance of religion: Columbus seems to be thanking and bowing to the priest. Their religion helped the explorers keep going and get through hard times.
