General Structure
Natural Defenses & Bacterial CV Diseases
Bacterial CV Diseases cont.
Bacterial CV Disease & Viral CV Disease
Viral CV Disease cont.

Structure and Pathway of Blood

4 Chambers --> 2 Atria & 2 Ventricles

Arteries --> Arterioles --> Capillaries -->        Venules --> Vein --> Back to the heart


Natural Defenses 

Is considered sterile; no resident microflora

Phagocytes and antibodies

If bacteria makes its way into the blood, the result is sepsis or septicemia, which activates an immune response resulting in decreased blood pressure and septic shock



Caused by - Bacillus Anthracis (found in soil)

3 Types - Cutaneous (skin), Inhalation (lungs), Gastrointestinal 

Transmission - spores get in thru cut or scrape in skin, breathing in spores, eating food or water that is contaminated with spores

Symptoms - Cutaneous - small group of blisters or bumps. Painless skin sore(ulcer) with black center. - Inhalation - fever and chills, chest discomfort, body aches - Gastrointestinal - fever and chills, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, sore throat, headache, stomach pain, painful swallowing, vomiting 


Strep B Disease

Cause - S. agalactiae

Transmission - vertical; found in vaginal flora, can infect baby (25% of women)

Symptoms - fever, respiratory distress, lethargy; meningitis and sepsis in infants 

Treatment - ampicillin for pregnant female in 3rd trimester if bacteria is found in the flora and if the baby is it has contracted the bacteria 


Ebola and Marburg 

Cause - filoviruses / - sense RNA viruses 

Transmission - direct contact with infected person and their bodily fluids, bats are reservoir

Symptoms - fever, hemorrhagic skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, death of liver cells, brain edema, lymph tissue, kidneys 

Treatment - alleviating symptoms, potential therapies: antibody transfer and vaccine 

**97% mortality rate for Ebola // 25% for Marburg

1/5 of rural population in central Africa have antibodies to Ebola


Blood Components

Plasma --> 90% water protein (albumin, antibodies, fibrinogen, electrolytes, gases)



Erythrocytes ( RBCs) carry oxygen 


Bacterial Endocaditis

Causative Agent - S. aureus, S. viridians (normal oral flora) Candida Albicans 

Transmission - bacteria enters bloodstream and attach to valves or endocardium. healthcare setting may introduce bacteria by long term catheter

Symptoms - fever, chills, new heart murmur, fast heartrate, night sweats, joint pain, small painless red spots on fingers or toes 

Treatment - high doses of intravenous antibiotics 


Cat Scratch Fever

Cause - Bartonella Henselae

Symptoms - bump/blister at bite or scratch site, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, fever and headache

Transmission - Cats get by fighting other cats and scratching at infected fleas. Infected cat licks open wounds, or bites/scratches a person

Treatment - Sometimes clears on its own, antibiotics 


Mononucleosis "Kissing Disease"


Cause - herpesviridae (Epstein Barr virus) / Infects B cells, can last months to years and remain latent in Bcells/ Can cause Burkitt's lymphoma

Transmission - contact, especially thru saliva 

Symptoms - inflammation of lymphatic tissue, headache, fatigue, malaise, enlarged spleen, tonsils coated with grey exudate, secondary bacterial infections 

Treatment - rest, antibiotics if there is a secondary bacterial infection 


Chagas & Malaria

Chagas - Cause - Trypanosoma cruzi - Transmission - to humans by triatomine bug - Symptoms - fever, subcutaneous inflammation around bite, pseudocysts (aggregation of parasites in lymph nodes), swelling of eye - Treatment - special drugs from CDC

Malaria - Cause - protozoan species Plasmodium - Transmission - Anopheles mosquitos, most common in Africa, India, South and Central America - Symptoms - high fever, nausea, blood vessels obstruction due to clumping of RBCs, tissue ischemia, anemia, jaundice, kidney damage, death - Treatment - Chloroquine and other antiprotozoans, control mosquitos


General Structure of Lymphatic Symptom

Picks up plasma and interstitial fluid from tissues and circulates it throughout the lymph vessels and returns to blood. 


Septicemia / Sepsis

Cause - S. Aureus & S. Pneumoniae 

Cause of Septic Shock - low BP, collapse of blood vessel due to release of endotoxin 

Transmission - direct entry via puncture, surgery or from abscess or UTI, common nosocomial infection following invasive medical procedure

Symptoms - fever, chills, shock, lymphangitis (red streaks)

Treatment - antibiotics 


Tularemia "Rabbit Fever"

Cause - Francisella tularensis / category A bioterrorism agent 

Transmission - zoonosis from animals (rabbits) to humans, ticks can be vectors. Acquired by cuts, abrasions, inhalation, consumption of contaminated water or meat

Symptoms - enlargement of regional lymph nodes - buboes, high fever, chills, shaking, severe headache, ulcer at site of entry, typhoid tularemia (septicemia that resembles typhoid fever) 

Treatment - antibiotics 


Yellow Fever 


Cause - Mosquito (Very common in South America and Africa)

Transmission - Female Aedes eagypti mosquito lands on hosts skin and bites the host. this mosquito is known as the transmitter of dengue fever. 

Symptoms - fever, headache, myalgia (muscle aches), and malaise (discomfort feeling): 3 Stages

1. Period of Infection - Nausea, dizziness, fever, chills

2. Period of Remission - Occurs when the virus starts to clear, and many people start gaining recovery

3. Period of Intoxication - symptoms start to recover, people start to cross fatal illnesses - abdominal pain, renal fatigue, hemorrhage, fever

Treatment - No specific treatment. Supportive care such as; vasoactive medication, fluid resuscitation, vent, treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation, hemorrhage, secondary infections, and renal and hepatic dysfunction



Cause - toxoplasmas gondii (protozoan)

Transmission - consumption of undercooked and contaminated meat, contaminated water, coming in contact with cat feces

Symptoms - healthy people tend to be asymptomatic, swollen lymph glands, muscles aches and pains, 

Treatment - Pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine, if pregnant, antibiotics can be taken 



Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels due to infectious agents 



Caused by - Yersinia Pestis (gram-)

Transmission - bites from wild rodents or infected flea bites

Treatment - preventative antibiotics, oxygen, respiratory support, quarantining.


Lyme Disease

Caused by - Borrelia burgdorferi (spirochete)

Common in US

Transmission - carried by ticks (lxodes scapularis) and transmitted to humans, dogs, horses and cows

*master immune invader by switching antigens 

Symptoms - flu-like, bulls eye rash at site of bite / stage 2- arthritis, loss of myelin, leads to Alzheimer's and MS like symptoms / stage 3 - 10-20% develop post treatment Lyme disease syndrome. chronic arthritis bells palsy

Treatment - Antibiotics 


Dengue Fever


Cause - Any of the 4 types of viruses - DENV 1-4

Transmission - simple mosquito bite. specifically an infected Ades species

Symptoms - appear 4-10 days after infection / high fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, aches and pains. Severe dengue can cause hemorrhagic fever and shock syndrome

Treatment - No specific treatment. Dengvaxia is the only vaccine



Cause - protozoan species Leishmania

Transmission - by sandflies (zoonosis) / more common in tropical countries

Symptoms - high fever, weakness, protrusion of the abdomen due to liver and spleen enlargement. death if untreated, cutaneous and mucosal lesions

Treatment - antimony compounds


Process of Lymph

Lymphatic capillaries carry lymph (excess fluid and plasma proteins) -->To lymphatic vessels --> Passes through lymph nodes to lymphatic vessels where foreign agents are trapped and destroyed by immune cells --> Returns to blood via right (into jugular vein) and left lymphatic ducts (into left jugular and subclavian veins)


Types of Plague & Symptoms

Bubonic - fever, chills, headache, tender, swollen lymph nodes, overall weakness. Bacteria multiply in the lymph nodes, which cause them to swell up and enlarge and even able to be seen through skin called buboes. 

Septicemic - fever, severe abdominal pain, shock, internal bleeding. Skin can turn black and die, mostly extremities. Can form into bubonic if not treated

Pneumonic - fever, headaches, pneumonia, SOB, chest pain, watery and bloody mucus. most dangerous of the plagues. easily spread thru droplets 


Rocky Mt Spotted Fever

Cause - Rickettsia rickettsii

Transmission - arthropod vector (ticks), they defecate as they bite the host then scratches bacteria and feces into skin, or by saliva 

Symptoms - fever, headache, weakness, rash on ankle, wrists, palms, and soles. 20% fatalities if untreated due to CNS involvement 

Treatment - antibiotics 


Zika Virus

Cause - arthropod virus. Flavivirus / attacks female reproductive system, cardiovascular system, and immune system.

Symptoms - fever, rash, conjunctivitis, microcephaly in babies, irregular palpitations, and immunodeficiency

Transmission - Mosquito bites, mother to child or sexual contact 

Treatment - None



Cause - roundworms ( W. bancrofti)

Transmission - microfilariae and larvae by mosquitos 

Symptoms - inflammation of lymph ducts, fever, blockage of lymph channels which leads to elephantiasis (enlargement of limbs)

Treatment - diethylcarbamazine, metronidazole, swollen limbs are wrapped in pressure bandages to force lymph from 
