A student not knowing all of the information required to be successful in a related content area is a result of the students' lack of
Prerequisite knowledge or skill
Universal screening system to help locate students with diabilities
This is the level students are current on in their instruction
Current levels (of Performance)
In this arrangement, eligible students remain in the general education classroom in their neighborhood schools and special education teacher comes to the student to provide support
Push In or Instructional Support in the General Education classroom from the special education teacher
Students not being able to handle transition and or having difficulty changing subjects is considered a
Students may need more time to learn then what the school provides. This is an example of insufficient
instructional time
This is what is written each year for students to work towards
Annual Goals
In this arrangement, learning for some subjects takes place in a seperate room but most learning occurs in the general education classroom
Resource Room OR pull out
Students who are disruptive and assaultive are likely to be placed in more restrictive environments is because of consideration and well-being
students without disabilities
subject matter knowledge
The requirement of LEAs to locate students who may be eligible for special education services
Child Find
This is the adaptations of instructional content, methods, or delivery to meet the needs of a student with disabilities
Specially Designed Instruction
In this arrangement, eligible students learn part of a special classroom and the rest of the day in the general education classroom.
Part-time special education classroom
Considerations of when students may tease or physically abuse certain students because of their abilities is to protect the well-being of
students with disabilities
Some educators may not know how to present new material to students in a way that is conducive to their learning style. This is considered a teachers' lack of
This is what students with an IEP are eligible to receive in addition to special instruction.
Related Services
In this arrangement, students receives all instruction from a special education teacher but may have special classes (eg.art, computer), with students without disabilities
Special Education classroom, with integration
The preference by parents of consultative or itinerant services for their children is due to fear of
Teachers not following research-based instructional methods is a result of a teachers' commitment to
ineffective methods
Type of teacher who initially notices that a student may have a disability
General Education Teacher
This describes the requirement of a clear preference for educating students with disabilities as close as possible to their home and with their peers with disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate.
Least Restrictive Environment
In this arrangement, students receives all instruction from a special education teacher having no interactions with students without disabilities
Special education classroom, without integration.
Having students with disabilities learn all day with their peers without disabilities is called
Full Inclusion