The rapid growth of cities during the Gilded Age.
What is urbanization.
Areas where most immigrants of the second wave came from.
What is Eastern & Southern Europe
Fires at these locations served as catalysts for reform in city planning, building codes and workplace safety.
What are Chicago and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
He believed in stressing vocational education for African-Americans and the need for White support to gain racial equality.
Who is Booker T. Washington
Inhabitants of cities who supported political machines.
Who are immigrants.
This new building style allowed cities to expand upward as well as outward.
What is a skyscraper.
The east coast and west coast entrance points for many immigrants during the Gilded Age.
What are Ellis & Angel Islands.
Jane Addams' Hull House in Chicago was the most famous one.
What is a settlement house.
Supreme Court case that said segregation was not a violation of one's 14th Amendment rights, as long as groups had equal access.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson.
Corrupt members of Tammany Hall.
Who is the Tweed Ring.
Crime, fire, pollution, overcrowding, disease.
What are negatives about urbanization.
The first and only law passed which completely banned immigration to the US.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act.
This reform movement focused on applying Christian ethics to solve societal problems, such as poverty, child labor and alcoholism.
What is the Social Gospel Movement.
Informal name for the South's segregation laws.
What is Jim Crow.
His political cartoons helped to bring public awareness to Tweed's corruption.
Who is Thomas Nast.
Small, overcrowded slum apartments, often shaped like a dumbbell.
What is a tenement.
Movement designed to help immigrants quickly assimilate into their new lives.
What is Americanization.
The largest prohibition group of the Gilded Age.
What is the WCTU.
Leading civil rights organization that was co-founded by W.E.B. DuBois.
What is the NAACP.
NAWSA became the leading movement for this minority group.
What are women.
An ideology that favors restrictions on immigration.
What is nativism.
Slavic Village, Little Italy, Chinatown for example.
What are ethnic neighborhoods.
Her work at Hull House and advocacy for protection of women and children in the workplace helped her to become the chief factory inspector of Illinois.
Who is Florence Kelley.
Group of African-Americans that W.E.B. DuBois felt should seek college education to become leaders of Black communities.
Who are the Talented Tenth.
The proclamation created at the Seneca Falls Convention was inspired by what famous historical document?
What is the Declaration of Independence.