Sharing in God's goodness and responding to God's love by the way we live
The official public prayer of the Church
Helps us to see and follow God's will in our lives
A sacrament of Christian Initiation. Through this sacrament, we become members of the Church
A way that we communicate with God and God communicates with us
A special sign given to us by Jesus through which we share in God's life
Helps us to love and appreciate others
A sacrament of healing. Through this sacrament we experience the gift of God's mercy.
The most perfect prayer and an important part of our liturgy
The Lord's Prayer
These seven things help us to follow God's Law and live as Jesus did
Helps us to see God's presence in our lives and in the world
Fear of the Lord
(wonder and awe)
A sacrament of service when a couple witnesses Christ's spousal love for the Church
We receive this in the sacraments, and it helps us to grow in holiness
Good things people can see in us when we respond to the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Helps us to be strong in our faith and witness to Jesus and to stand up for what is right
A sacrament of Christian Initiation. Through this sacrament, we experience the true, real, and substantial presence of Christ.
Is with us always and helps us to listen to our conscience and to make good choices
The Holy Spirit
The Fruits of the Spirit according to St. Paul
Helps us to know more about God and his love for us
A sacrament of Service, where people respond generously to God's call by dedicating their lives to Him
Holy Orders