signs of abuse in children
Nutrition for a toddler
shaken baby syndrome / Munchausen syndrome by Proxy
Development of the toddler
Domestic violence in the family/ parental substance abuse
What are signs of physical abuse?
bruises, fractures, cigarette burns, immersion, lacerations, or abrasions
How many calories per day does a toddler need
Who is most likely to have the syndrome in Munchausen syndrome?
the child's mother
the toddler's play move from solitary play towards what type of play
What is parallel play
Forms of violence seen in domestic violence
physical violence, threats, emotional abuse, harassment, and stalking
What are common non-accidental injury sites that may indicate abuse?
bruises that occur in areas of soft tissue such as, the abdomen, buttocks, genitalia, inner upper arms, thighs, and mouth
meal time for a toddler should not exceed how many minutes?
What is the cause of shaken baby syndrome?
when the child is shaken by the arms or shoulders in a repetitive and violent manner, causing whiplash-type neck injury
Each year the toddler gains how many pounds, and grows how many inches
What is 5-10 pounds, and 3 inches
Children that are affected by domestic violence may show signs of post traumatic stress disorder which include what?
not being able to sleep, bedwetting, temper tantrums, withdrawal, feeling guilty about not being able to protect the victim. The school-age child might have academic problems, frequent absences, behavior issues, or self- isolation. The older child might use drugs or alcohol, or attempt or commit suicide
What are the behavioral signs seen in sexual abuse?
poor peer relationships, poor self-esteem, suicide attempts, excessive masturbation, highly sexualized play, bed wetting, sudden decline in grades, regressive behavior
What is the recommended serving for a toddler
small portions, 1-2 teaspoonful, and provide second serving when the first has been finished
what are signs of shaken baby syndrome?
vomiting, seizures, irritability, lethargy
by the age of 3, the toddler needs how many hours of sleep
What is 10-12 hours
Characteristics of a parent that has a substance abuse problem
the parent is not dependable, can not provide stability for the child, will either smother the child with gifts and attention, or may threats towards the child, be anger or irritated towards the child.
Physical signs of neglect
poor hygiene, malnutrition, inadequate dental or medical care, constant fatigue or listlessness, repeated episodes of pica
At what age is the toddler able to sit through meals, prefer finger feeding, and wants to feed self
What is 15 months
What must the nurse closely observe in a child that is brought into the health facility with a suspension of Munchausen syndrome by Proxy
the caregiver's interactions with the child
Around what age does the toddler start to walk sideways, and backward
What is 18 months
Behaviors seen in children who have an addicted parent include
avoidance of interaction with classmates, failing in school, unexcused absences, stealing or committing acts of violence, minor physical complaints, abuse of drugs or alcohol, or aggressive behavior
Behavioral signs of emotional abuse
increase anxiety, depression, developmental lags, deteriorating conduct, and functional limitations
The desire for only one kind of food for awhile
food jags
What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?
When one person fabricates, or induces illness in another to get attention. Frequently brings child to health care facility , and reports symptoms of an illness when the child is actually well
what are the characteristics of a toddler
What is ritualism-involves following routines; negativism- an assertion of individuality, the toddler response is often "no" to almost everything; dawdling- wasting time, serves a purpose of asserting independence; temper tantrums
What is a code-pendent parent
one that directly or indirectly supports the addictive behavior of the other parent