Amount of miles built by the Union Pacific
What is 1086 miles?
Entered steel business in the Pittsburgh area
Andrew Carnegie
These theorists argued that individuals won their stations in life by competing on the basis of their natural talents
This organization in 1866 represented a giant boot stride by workers
National Labor Union
when this president was shot in 1865, there were only 35000 miles of steam railroads
Abraham Lincoln
The two locomotive rails near Utah
Bought out Andrew Carnegie
Who was JP Morgan?
This act in 1890 was finally signed into law after the governments attempt to control the trusts through state legislation.
What is the Sherman Anti-trust act
This organization seized the torch dropped by the defunct national labor union in 1869
Knights of Labor
In 1900, the United States had over 192 thousand miles of railroad, mostly congregated in this area
East of the Mississippi
The year the transcontinental railroad was completed
What was 1869?
Stockholders in various smaller oil companies assigned stock to board of directors in this company formed in 1870
What was the Standard Oil Company
Southern agriculture received a welcome boost in the 1880s when this product became machine made
In 1886, this elitist organization was created by Samuel Gompers
What was the American Federation of Labor
In 1862, Washington rewarded the railroads with 155,504,994 acres of land and this region contributed 49 million more
Western States
Successful railroading business man
Who was Cornelius Vanderbilt?
Rockefeller stunning success with his oil company inspired many imitators creating this word to be generally used to describe any large scale business combination
What is Trust
Beginning in around 1880, Northern Capitalists began to erect cotton mills in the South, largely in response to these effects
A major goal of Gompers' was the "in trade agreement" authorizing all union labor, also known as this popular phrase
Deadlock in 1850s over the proposed transcontinental railroad was broken when this section of the union seceded
The South
What was the nations biggest business, mining and agricultural gains, and manufacturing
This "heavy industry" which concentrated on making capital goods was a scarce commodity of the wood and brick America of Lincoln
What is Steel
Long hours, low pay, and wretched working conditions were the common fate of women who labored NOT for this type of money
Pin Money
During the 1880s and 1890s, several hundred thousand unskilled workers a year poured into the country from this continent
What is Europe
For each mile of track constructed, this company was granted 20 square miles of land, alternating in 640 acre sections on either side of the track
The Union Pacific Railroad Company