This protein binds to lipids inside the cell forming a hydrophobic layer that keeps the water inside the animal from reaching the skin
What did the first amphibians have in order to breathe?
Both lungs and gills
This group of amphibians are legless, burrowing amphibians that live in the tropics. They look like giant earthworms
A fan shaped array of bones that some fish have
The gills of all bony fish are covered with this
An almost completely waterproof container that keeps an embryo from drying out as it develops
amniotic egg
A vertebrate that has four limbs
These animals make up the largest group of amphibians
What are examples of fish body shapes?
Long torpedo shaped, flattened side to side, flatfish, fish that feed on surface, mouth turned upward, flattened heads, Flatfish such as flounder, SLow swimming fish with really good camouflage.
A series of shallow canals on the sides of fish that are made up of cells that are sensitive to movement
Lateral line
A membranous organ that develops in female mammals during pregnancy
Did amphibians evolve ways to keep their eggs from drying out in air?
No- They must lay their eggs in water.
These amphibians have a long body, a tail, and 4 walking limbs
A fish´ lungs modified into a buoyancy organ.
Swim bladder
Fish are separated into two big groups based on what?
Skeletons- Bones or cartilage
a vertebrate that has a thin tough membranous sac that encloses the embryo or fetus
The aquatic larvae of frogs
Why must amphibians live in moist environments?
Water constantly evaporates from their skin, they could dry out without being in or near water, and amphibians need water to reproduce.
paired pectoral and pelvic fins that are round in shape
Lobe Fins
What did jaw supports evolve from?
Gill supports
How do amniotes exchange gases compared to amphibians?
Lungs instead of gas exchange through the skin
How do tadpoles grow into terrestrial adults?
They go through metamorphosis
Both salamander larvae and adults eat this way
They are carnivorous.
Scientists thought that this fish was extinct until 1938, when one was caught in Madagascar
These are the two groups of early vertebrates without jaws
Lampreys and Hagfish