Parts of the Kidney
Inner parts of the Kidney
Inner parts of the Kidney Part 2
Filtration and Reabsorption and Secretion
Urine Production
Renal Cortex Renal medulla Renal Pyramids Renal Columns
What are the parts of the Kidney?
structural and functional units of the kidneys Responsible for processing blood to form urine formed by a renal corpuscle and renal tubule
What are Nephrons?
Has an external parietal layer and a visceral layer which wrap around the glomerulus Visceral layer is made up of highly-specialized epithelial cells
What is the glomerular capsule?
Its Driven by blood pressure Opposed by capsular hydrostatic pressure and blood colloid osmotic pressure Water and small molecules move out of the glomerulus.
What is Glomerular Filtration?
What varies urine concentration?
Renal Fascia - Anchors to other structures Adipose Capsule – Protects and anchors Renal Capsule – Continuous with Ureter
What are the layers?
Renal corpuscle: Filters the blood plasma Renal tubule: Modifies the filtrate
What are the forms the Nephron?
consists of 3 major parts Proximal Convoluted Tubule: Has a brush border to increase surface area, water & solutes absorbed from filrate Nephron Loop: U-shaped, descending & ascending limbs, thick & thin segments Distal Convoluted Tubule No microvilli
What is the renal tubule and what are its parts?
Selective return of substances from filtrate back into the blood Takes place in renal tubules and collecting ducts Anything not reabsorbed is urine
What is Tubular Reabsorption?
Renal Artery Renal Vein Ureter Nerves Lymphatics
What are the external parts of the Kidney?
Glomerulus, and Renal Tubule.
What are the two main parts of a Nephron?
Receives filtrate from many nephrons Run down through pyramids Join together as renal papillae
What is the collecting duct?
Selective addition of substance from the blood into the filtrate Occurs along renal tubule
What is Tubular Secretion
When dilute urine is formed, osmolarity in the tubule Increases in the descending limb Decreases in the ascending limb Decreases more in the collecting duct high- intake – Dilute urine of high volume
What is the formation of dilute urine?
What is the indented area of the Kidney?
Glomerulus: Mass of capillaries Glomerular capsule: Cup-shaped hollow structure, continuous with its renal tubule & completely surrounds the glomerulus
What are Renal Corpuscle?
Cortical nephrons: 85% of all nephrons, entirely in cortex Create urine with osmolarity similar to blood Juxtamedullary nephrons Originate close to the cortex-medulla junction, long nephron loops deep into medulla Has thick & thin ascending limbs Important for the kidney to be able to produce concentrated urine
What are the classes of Nephrons?
passive process equals the amount of filtrate formed by both kidneys each minute
What is Glomerular Filtration Rate?
In presence of ADH, collecting ducts become very permeable to water. Tubular fluid there becomes very concentrated. Movement of water also carries urea into the medulla, contributing to its osmolarity.
What is the formation of concentrated urine?
eight lobes per kidney
How many lobes are in the Kidney?
These capillaries have fenestrated endothelium, making them very porous. Solute-rich fluid enters from the blood into the glomerular capsule
What are Glomerulus?
Region where the most distal portion of the ascending limb of the nephron loop lies against the afferent arteriole feeding the glomerulus
What are Juxtaglomerular Complex?
Renal Autoregulation: Controls its own blood pressure Neural Regulation: Sympathetic Nervous System Hormonal Regulation: Renin/Angiotensin/Aldosterone Mechanism
What is GFR controlled by?
Each ureter transports urine from a renal pelvis by peristaltic waves, hydrostatic pressure, and gravity No anatomical valve at the opening of the ureter into bladder – when bladder fills, it compresses the opening and prevents backflow.
What is urine transportation and storage?