The author of the declaration of Rights of Women and the Female Citizen

Who was Olympe de Gouges


While both the French and Latin American Revolutions sought political change, the French Revolution aimed to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic, whereas Latin American revolutions primarily sought to achieve this.

What is Colonial Rule


Discontent with this formof gov lead the revolution in France 

Absolute monarchy 


This term refers to empires that encompass diverse cultural, and linguistic groups under a single centralized government that led to tensions and nationalism amongst groups 

Multi-ethnic empires 


The only successful slave revolt in history took place in this colony of France (need name before revolution)

What is Saint-Domingue


The revolutions of the late 18th and early 19th centuries spread enlightenment ideals and encouraged the consolidation or formation of these a sovereign state whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent. 

What are Nation-states


Unlike most Latin American revolutions, which were led by Creoles seeking independence from European rule, the Haitian Revolution was led by this group

Who are enslaved Africans


On June 17 1789 members of the third estate seceded from the estates general and declared themselves to be this new body of government with this name

What is National assembly


his movement, which emerged in the 19th century, united people with shared language, culture, and history to form new nation-states, often leading to the unification of Italy and Germany.

What is nationalism 


The leader who was responsible for the Saint-Domingue uprising

Who was L'ouverture


The revolutionaries of the late 18th and early 19th centuries focused on the necessity of this idea:  the political principle that the people are the source of all government power and authority. It's based on the idea that the government's power comes from the consent of the people.

 Popular sovereignty 


During this initial phase of the French Revolution (1789–1791), the National Assembly abolished feudal privileges, established a constitutional monarchy, and adopted this document, inspired by Enlightenment ideals.

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?


In August 1789 the national assembly expressed the guiding principles of the French Revolution by issuing this document 

What is The declaration of The rights of Man and Citizen


This principle, rooted in nationalism, asserts that people with shared cultural, ethnic, or historical characteristics have the right to govern themselves and form their own independent nation-states.

What is self determination 

The creoles of Latin America were influenced by the Enlightenment but only wanted to displace ____________ and still retain their privileged positions
What is The Peninsulares

John Locke believed if a government violates the people's rights to life, liberty, and property they have the right to...

What is he believed that citizens have the right to overthrow a government  This idea is known as the right of revolution


Called in 1789 for the first time since 1614, this meeting of representatives from France’s three estates was intended to address the financial crisis but instead became a turning point that led to revolution.

What is the Estates General 


The guiding principles of the French revolution are summed up in this slogan 

What is Liberty, equality, and fraternity


In the early 19th century, this movement led by Greeks seeking independence from the Ottoman Empire resulted in the formation of the modern Greek state after a successful revolution.

Greek nationalism


In this 1815 document, this revolutionary leader expressed his frustration with the lack of unity in Latin America and warned of the dangers of political fragmentation, while also emphasizing the need for independence from European powers.  (need doc and leader) 

The Jamaica Letter; Simon Bolivar 


Inspired by Enlightenment ideas, members of this estate demanded political representation and an end to feudal privileges, eventually forming the National Assembly.

What is  the third estate 


This empire, which spanned much of Southeast Europe, faced challenges from various ethnic groups seeking independence, including the Greeks, Armenians, and Arabs.

What is the Ottoman Empire 

Most radical period of the French revolution was reached during the leadership of
Who was Maximilien Robespierre

This leader used a policy of "blood and iron" to unite the German states under Prussian leadership, culminating in the proclamation of the German Empire in 1871.

Who is Otto von Bismarck


his term, used by Otto von Bismarck, refers to the belief that military force and industrial power  were essential to achieving national unity and political goals.

What is " Blood and Iron"
