What does IHEA stand for?
International Hunting Education Association
When is hunting a problem?
When it is unregulated/uncontrolled or poorly managed.
What does Carrying capacity mean?
The number of animals an ecosystem can hold before it begins to degrade
Name 3 Factors that may limit potential production of wildlife
Disease, starvation, predators, pollution, accidents, old age, hunting
Why is Hunters Ed important?
Hunters deal with dangerous tools. Hunters must understand laws and behave ethically.
What do hunters help control?
What are three of the five essential elements?
Food, Water, Cover, Space, and Arrangement.
What might happen as the season changes?
Some resources might be in short supply or in a surplus.
In what State did Mandated hunter Ed began?
New York
What has regulated hunting never caused?
Wildlife population to become threatened or endangered.
What is the greatest threat to wildlife?
Habitat loss
What happens when a habitat is in surplus supply?
The ecosystem can prosper and allow more hunting.
What are Two of the Five goals that Hunter Ed hope to inspire?
Responsibility, Safety Skills, Knowledge Involvement, and Attitude
What helps fund wildlife management?
Hunter Fees
What causes the Edge effect?
Two contrasting ecosystems being right next to each other.
What must habitats be in order to support life?