What are the five main parts of the mass
Introductory rites, Liturgy of the word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Communion rite, and concluding rites.
What is the form of the Eucharist
“this is my body…this is my blood.”
What is the matter of confirmation
Holy Chrism
What is Chrismation?
A way in the Eastern Orthodox Church of initiating someone into the church by anointing them with holy oil.
What are the meanings of the word “Ruah”?
God’s Spirit, Breath, Air, and Wind
What is the Penitential Act
To acknowledge our sins, prepare ourselves for mass, and receive the Eucharist.
What is the matter of the Eucharist
wheat bread and wine made from grapes
What is the form of confirmation
“be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”
What is Sacred Chrism?
The oil used to anoint people when receiving a sacrament like baptism or anointing of the sick.
What are the fruits of the holy spirit?
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Chastity.
What are the Introductory rites
Entrance chant or gathering song, penitential act, and the Gloria.
What are 3 prefigurements of the Eucharist in the Old testament?
Wedding at Cana, Last supper, multiplication of the loaves and fish.
What is one prefiguration of Conformation in the Bible
Last supper, Outpouring of Joel, Christ fulfilling his mission, annoying oil in the old convent and more.
What is Epiclesis?
The part of the Eucharistic prayer where the priest calls upon the holy spirit to bless the bread and wine.
What is the order of the sacraments in the East?
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
What are the three parts of the concluding rites
greeting, blessing, and dismissal.
What is the connection between the biblical passover in Exodus and the Eucharist
like the Passover lamb saved the Israelites, Jesus’ sacrifice saves believers from sin. Both are meals that remember God’s saving power.
Minister of confirmation, distinguish between eastern and western churches
Bishop(Western church) or Priest ( Eastern church)
What is Transubstantiation?
The change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of christ.
What is the order of the sacraments in the west?
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
What are the five parts of the communion rite
Lord's prayer, sign of peace, lamb of God, communion, and prayer after communion.
What are “two species” of the Eucharist? How is God present in them?
the bread and wine. Catholics believe that Jesus is fully present in both, so receiving either one means receiving all of Christ.
What is the difference between confirmation and baptism spiritually?
Baptism is welcoming you into the church and Confirmation sends you further into the church.
What is Eucharistic Prayer?
The prayer that the priest says while blessing the bread and wine.
What are the two species of the Eucharist?
The bread and wine